🔞 Chapter 5 🚭

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"Please kill me"

San clench his jaw, the pit of his stomach had a bad feeling "go fuck yourself" he said and walked away, Wooyoung looked at him confused and quickly followed him "what happen? U said u would help me?"

"Not in that way sweetheart" San said while pushing open a door to get farther away from the boy but he kept following him "I know it was blood on your clothes-"

"Well woo hoo, do u want a cookie for that?" He said sarcastically, Wooyoung rolled his eyes "what are u? U kill people so why don't u just kill me and be done with it" Wooyoung then grab San's arm

"Just because u saw me covered in blood u think I kill people, I could be a butcher" San hit Wooyoung's hand away from him "yeah right u could of told me that sooner then"

"I was being sarcastic about the ketchup, I think normal people would know that" he said walking away and back into the living room "u definitely kill people so just confess and kill me"

"No. Go and kill yourself" he said then started walking up the stairs but Wooyoung kept following him "if I could kill myself, I would of done it long time ago"

"Ok then.... here" San pulled out a gun from his pocket "go kill yourself and leave me alone"

"U just had that in your pocket?" He asked and San just nodded "Bitch u definitely kill people" San rolled his eyes and walked into his room. He went to lock the door but the boy walked in like normal "did u just walked into a stranger's room?"

"Apparently I did....but pleaseee" he begged "ok I kill people, I'm a serial killer, are u scared now? U could run away just like everyone else did" he said dropping his body on his bed "I already know u kill people so I'm not scared" San looked at Wooyoung, the normal thing to do is run when someone tells u that but he just stood there

"You're a weird one" he said under his breath smirking "you're smiling!! Does that mean you agree?!" He said excitedly

"Ok I agree but I don't kill people for free...."

"I don't have money-"

"I know u don't, how about u work here. Your labor will pay for your death" he said but Wooyoung wasn't sold

"How long would I have to work here?"

"Until I'm satisfied but...."


"I want something else from u" San said with an evil smile, Wooyoung gulp nervously "I-i know what you're talking about but I have to tell u that I'm not a virgin" he said with his head down

San was upset, he wanted to be the one to ruin the boy innocence "pff~" he scoff

"I'm s-sorry-" Wooyoung was trembling under San intense aura "don't say sorry to me! I don't care that you're not a virgin, I'm just doing it for the pleasure, no emotional feelings are involve in this"

San words was harsh but Wooyoung wasn't going to get feels for a serial killer, plus he begged him to kill him so developing feelings isn't his first priority "I did lose my virginity-"

"Ok jeez! Are u so happy to say that" San snapped, he started getting irritated, why is he so pissed off? It doesn't matter if the boy loses his virginity, who cares right?

"That's not what I'm saying, I'm trying to say I was raped but I was unconscious so I still didn't experience sex...." He said playing with his fingers but didn't see the smirk appearing on San's face "so... basically I'm your first?"


"That's not a problem for me" he said grinning widely "I'm always busy so we won't be with each a lot, the rules are no answering any phone in the house, no going outside but I don't have to tell u twice, don't open the front door if u have to go outside for whatever reason use the back, no going into my room without permission, no snooping around, if I ask u to wash my clothes don't go in my room just leave it on the ground by my door and if I'm on a call don't speak or make noise, ok?"

"Wow" Wooyoung head was spinning from all the rules "and don't worry about the tv making noise, we live a little farther away from the other houses but if u hear someone outside which is not common then turn off the tv and lights"

"Yeah...ok" still trying to process everything San took the puzzled boy into his room which was a little way down the hall and closer to the bathroom

ok" still trying to process everything San took the puzzled boy into his room which was a little way down the hall and closer to the bathroom

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"Yeah I wasn't expecting someone to say over here so this is what u got"

"It's amazing!! It's just the house look so dark with all the windows covered" he said looking around the room "Do u want someone to notice u in the house? No right, so all windows are covered" he said

"Wait! What about..... clothes" Wooyoung said nervously "I'll let u borrow mines and I'll get u some tomorrow" San was a little awkward, he felt like he was showing affection towards the boy and the thought made him cringe

"Also if u break any of the rules you'll be punished"

"Punish? So like more chores?"


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