🔞 Chapter 21🚭

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(Yunho is older than Seonghwa in this story)

*San pov*

Yunho had an apartment but he bought a house a few weeks after Wooyoung left, he wanted to impress the younger but Wooyoung wasn't impressed by objects, he care for how people treat him and to be honest if Yunho told Wooyoung that he wanted him to stay in his house together he would of stayed

That's because Yunho did sooo much for him, so if Yunho want something he'll do it without hesitation

San got out the taxi and this eyes was met with a really nice fountain at the front, the gate was wide open so he walked in. The house was so nice, the front walls was covered with flowers and palm trees

He ring the doorbell and a minute when by and no answer so he ring it again still no answer, he got frustrated and started ringing the doorbell nonstop

"Jeez I'm coming!" He heard someone yell from inside, Yunho open the door with puffy eyes and messy hair "u know it's 7 in the morning right?" He said

"Aww well I'm sorry for waking u up so early" San sarcastically said "but it's your fault I couldn't sleep the whole night!"

"Woah calm down, what did I do?" Yunho asked

"U recommend Wooyoung for that guy to fuck, now he's in bed and can't walk"

Yunho got pissed "come inside" he said and made a way for San to pass "yeah I did, I do that a lot because I want Wooyoung to make money and raise his reputation"

"Yeah but seeing Wooyoung get fucked by complete strangers is fun for u!" San yelled "no, of course not! I'm just trying to help him"

"This ain't helping him.." San started raising his voice "u let a 18 year old dance, u let him get fucked by guys, u let him strip, u made him into a fucking prostitute!"

"Yeah I did! U know why? Because I wanted to help him, he wouldn't take a single dollar from me unless he worked for it. Yeah he's a fucking prostitute I begged him to stop, I said I would give him money but he won't take that and u know why.."

"Why? Because he want to earn his own money-"

"No dumdass, because he enjoys it" San eyes widened, yeah he notice Wooyoung have a wild side but enjoying sex from fucking strangers, nahh that's taking it to a whole different level. Yunho noticed San reaction "it do have people who enjoys doing things like that and Wooyoung is one of them, I accepted it when he told me, now u should too"


San was lost in his thoughts, if Wooyoung really enjoyed doing this then how long will he fuck guys to get money "I'm not accepting that bullshit! I'm gonna be one of Wooyoung's regular customers and show him that I'm better that those horny motherfuckers who's using him for pleasure" San said

"You're the reason why he wants a contract" Yunho said and San nodded "I want Wooyoung to have a normal life too so I'll give u it but promise me if Wooyoung doesn't want his normal life back I want u to leave us alone"

San thought about it for a second but he agreed, there's no way he's leaving Wooyoung and if Yunho wants to get in the middle of them he'll just have to disappear


San made it back to the apartment and boy he was pissed he read the contract while on his way back and he had some questions for Wooyoung

He entered the kitchen and before the air was thick but now it got thicker. He saw Yeosang and Wooyoung was talking by the counter "get Seonghwa and leave. come back once I text u" Yeosang was confused and so was Wooyoung but San was clearly angry so Yeosang did what he said

Not to long after they heard the door being closed, San looked at Wooyoung and threw the contract on the counter "what the fuck is this!" He yelled

Wooyoung took a sip of his coffee and then answered "it's my contract"

"Yeah but why the fuck is it like that!?"

"What do you mean?"

(The contract has everything Wooyoung likes and if the people are ok with doing those things then they sign it and become his regular customers)

San flip a page " 'I the submissive shall submit to any sexual activity demanded by the dominant, I shall do so without any hesitation or argument' so you've been doing what every fucking guy tell u to"

"Well... yeah it's fun that way" San scoffed turning to the next page "anal fisting... WTF"

"A guy did that to me once and it wasn't bad"

"How can u be so calm about this!?" His eyes caught something "DIDOS! U HAVE THAT!"

"I bought one just recently.. jeez"

San sigh "I'm not comfortable knowing other guys are doing this shit to u... like.. like what the fuck is genital clamp!?" Wooyoung just smirked, San squint his eyes and shook his head at him "I like doing these things but not too that extent"

"Well then don't sign the contract- ouch!" San immediately came to the younger side "aish~ it's your fault, why are u walking either way"

"I'm fine, the pain it's that bad anymore" Wooyoung tried standing but his legs gave off, San lift up the younger in bridal style and took him to his room

"Just lay here until u really feel better" San said emphasizing the word 'really'

"Ohhh look at u being all nice, I thought u were mad at me just a minute ago" he playfully said but he frowned when San started talking

"I'm not mad but disappointed" he sat on the edge of the bed "did all those nights mean nothing to u?"

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