🔞 Chapter 7🚭

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*Wooyoung pov*

"The fuck!! I fucking hate cleaning" he yelled, he saw all the dishes was dirty, the whole kitchen was a mess and he had a pile of San clothes to wash "who doesn't wash their own clothes?" He said as he sorted it out and threw some to wash while he hurriedly scrub the dishes

His goal was too finish everything fast and then relax for the rest of the day and he was almost there, he put too much detergent and the clothes was really soapy so he had to wash them again

Once it was dry he headed upstairs to pack San clothes and he completely forgot about the rules and went into San's room

It had a wardrobe closer to the bed so he used that but what caught his attention was a random door right next to it, he wanted to open it but he tried to restrain himself from op- eh what the hell, it's not like he'll know

Wooyoung put his hand on the door knob and twisted it slightly but it was locked maybe it is his bathroom.....or wait his bathroom is over there.....then what is in here! Wooyoung was just curious but he didn't know he was going to find out soon probably too soon

He sat down and watch TV for a while, it was 4:45 when San came home "welcome ba-" Wooyoung eyes widened when he saw someone else walking behind him "Seonghwa!!" Wooyoung yelled an ran to hug him

"Woo what are u doing here? Yeosang was worried sick looking for u" he said hugging back the younger

"It's a long story" he said but not letting go, he felt safe being with someone he trusts and the older didn't mind

But someone had to ruin their moment, San cleared his throat grabbing there attention "so... how do u know each other?"

Seonghwa scoff "jealous much" he mumble, it was unheard by Wooyoung but San definitely heard him "yes I am, what u going to do about it?" San said raising an eyebrow

Wooyoung was standing in the middle of them confused as hell "admitting it so boldly huh?" Seonghwa put up his hands in a fits "just know I'll rather die then give Woo to u"

"I'm willing to accept that challenge" San put up his hands in a fits ready to attack the older

"I'm out of here, I already smell my cake burning" Wooyoung said remembering that he was baking some cake

"Oooo you're making cake?-" San was distracted and Seonghwa found the right time to attack him

Tackling him to the ground, he quickly held San hands behind his back "Yah!" The older is no match for San but he still tried his best, San quickly got out of Seonghwa hold and quickly flip him over, he pinned Seonghwa down with a wrestling move and he tapped out "maybe be more gentle" Seonghwa said

"Don't worry your boyfriend will massage it for u" San said patting his friend's shoulder and walking across him to the kitchen

He saw Wooyoung taking out plates "did u cook?" He ask approaching the younger "yes, am I allowed to do that?" He said raising an eyebrow

"Yeah u could but u don't have to" San was just admiring the.... kitchen, I know weird right, his father never cooked so they always buy food and when San watch tv he saw mother's cooking for their children

But seeing this stray boy he found cooking for him when he didn't even ask made him feel something different inside him "I also made cake, I don't know what u like so I just made vanilla"

"Oh that's ok" he said but Wooyoung kept looking at him "is there a problem.....?"

"I said 'I don't know what u like' so I kinda expect u to tell me what u do like"

"Why would u care-"

"Because I do" San heart started beating loudly and he hated the feeling "I told u no personal. feelings. involved" San said a little too harshly

"Why are u getting mad I just ask-" San cut him off "shut up, we don't need to know about each other likes or dislikes, I'm just your killer and u are my victim" San wasn't wrong but his words still hurt

He was about to storm off but Wooyoung stopped him "ok I'm sorry but can u not tell Seonghwa that I ask u to kill me" he begged

"Ok" he didn't even look at the younger and he left the kitchen, he wasn't mad at Wooyoung he was mad at himself for liking him, he's just a serial killer who's counting down the days for his next victim who's living with him


"Woah woah woah, is everything ok?" Seonghwa ask stopping the now irritated San "yeah everything is great" he said not even showing a fake smile

"Ok let's talk" he pulled him to another room, far from the kitchen "So....u like him.."

"Yes I do!"

Seonghwa was in a daze "did u aggressively said yes?" 

"Yeah.... If I said no then u won't believe me"

"But... but- doesn't people try to hide that they like someone... SHIT U ACTUALLY LIKE HIM A LOT"

"SHHHH! And yes I freaking do but I know it won't happen so just forget it"

"Come on...." Seonghwa whined "no." San then left

They sat down to eat and Wooyoung and Seonghwa was talking the whole time while San was by himself, Seonghwa tried to put him into the conversation but he won't even try to talk to Wooyoung. He noticed the both of them had some tension, anytime their eyes met the air gets thick.

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