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04/28/21 11:30am (Next Day)

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04/28/21 11:30am (Next Day)

Hearing loud banging, I woke up from my sleep, and grabbed my gun off the side strap of my dresser, and got out my bed. I quickly walked to the guest room door, unsure if that's where it was coming from.

Hearing the loud bangs again, they indeed were.

"Aye, cut that shit out. I got my gun, sit your ass on the bed, because I WILL shoot you." I emphasized will, so that he knew I was serious. It went quiet, so I unlocked the door and pushed it open, aiming my gun at his tall figure.

He was crying as he paced the room. I quickly walked over to him and sat him on the bed. He was still taller than me, even sitting down.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not here to hurt you, chill out. It's ok, nobody's here besides me. Stop crying." I wiped his face as I sat my gun down and quietly spoke to him.

He didn't say anything to me, he just stared as quiet tears still streamed down his face.

"I'm Karin. You're probably wondering why you're here. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. About 2/3 days ago, I found you on the side of the road in the middle of some woods. You had a stab wound and you were unconscious, most likely from the loss of blood. I brought you to my house to patch you up and make sure you were good. I cleaned you up and put you in my guest bed and you've been asleep for two days. You were unconscious when I got there, and your wound was pretty infected, I'm going to guess and say you were lying on the road about 4 days before I found you. But you no longer have an infection. Um, we're in Atlanta, not sure if you are familiar with the city? I tried to search any details about a missing man, to see if I could contact some family or something, but I didn't find anything." I rambled as he looked at me, then down at his patch, and new clothes before looking back at me.

"Oh yeah, sorry, it's just your clothes were dirty and bloody, so I had to take them off of you before you got in my bed. Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything." I shyly looked away.

He still hadn't said anything so I continued talked and he just watched me.

"You're probably hungry, come on, come with me." I grabbed his hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder since he was still weak, and pulled him to my kitchen as he analyzed his surroundings.

I sat him at one of the chairs at my kitchen island and went to the refrigerator. I pulled out bacon, turkey sausage, eggs, and bread. I pulled out two skillets and some butter.

I put the bacon and sausage on, in one pan, and made some scrambled eggs in the other. Once I was done I put the eggs, sausage, and bacon on a piece of bread, and added a slice of cheese before putting the other bread on top. I made him two breakfast sandwiches and made his plate and sat it in front of him.

I went to the fridge and pulled out orange juice and apple juice.

"Which do you prefer hun?" I asked. He didn't say anything but he stared at the apple juice.

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