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A week later

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A week later.. 5am

"Karin come over here man." Kentrell mumbled pulling me closer.

"No cause you play too much Ken."

It was cold as hell in my house. I forgot to turn my air on auto last night, so it was on 56°. We hadn't been to sleep yet, we'd just been up talking about random shit. Kentrell pulled me under him, tucking the cover under us.

"I don't care. It's cold as fuck." He grumbled.

"Should've wore clothes to bed." I laughed. We were sleeping naked per usual.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he tangled his legs in mine, laying his head in my neck.

"You going to sleep?" He asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled, drawing circles on his back.

"Ima take you out today." He said.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"I don't know yet mami. What you wanna do?"

"I wanna go to the club and shake some ass." I stuck my tongue out.

"Don't piss me off. Stay tryna be fast." He thumped my forehead.

"Boy bye." I laughed as his hands caressed my ass.

"I got us flights to Bora Bora." He said after a while.

"What? Kentrell stop playing." I sat up.

"I'm foreal guh'. Lay down, it's cold as fuck." He laughed, pulling me back down.

"Kentrell you gone make cry oh my god." I pouted as he wrapped his arms back around me.

"I just wanna make you as happy as you make me." He said, kissing my cheek.

"I make you happy? Bruh you bout to make me cry." I replied.

"Happy as fuck. I used to be real mean and closed off. I barely even talked to my brudda's. It just sum bout you. I don't know what it is but you make me wanna be better." He said reaching on the dresser.

Seeing him grab a small black box, I gasped.

"Kentrell." I whined, becoming scared.

"I'm not ready to get married, but I do love you. You make me wanna be somebody I never even knew I could be. Everything about you make me smile. I don't be knowing how to express my feelings for you, but just know you deserve it all. If I could buy you the moon, I would. I love you Karin. Will you, um, damn what's that word? Oh, officially. Will you officially be my girlfriend?" Kentrell held the ring out to me, pronouncing officially wrong.

"Yes! Oh my god Kentrell this is so pretty. I love you so much baby. I'm about to cry." I hugged him, looking at the ring.

"You like it?" He asked, looking at me.

Love, Kentrell.Where stories live. Discover now