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"KK why the fuck is you bald headed?" Kentrell mugged the camera

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"KK why the fuck is you bald headed?" Kentrell mugged the camera.

"Boy it's a wig cap." I laughed.

Tae laughed behind me, as Kentrell had a funny expression on his face.

"What you mean?"

"It's to hold my real hair down while my wig get put on." I tried to explain it to him.

"Oh okay. Say Tae, hurry up it's getting hot out here." He crunk the car up and turned the air on.

"You can't rush perfection." Tae shrugged his shoulders.

"Tae I tell his ass that all the time. You so impatient Ken." I said.

"Well I'm finna leave you, and go get some food." Kentrell put the car in gear.

"Where we bouta eat at?" I asked, hungry since I didn't eat breakfast this morning.

"What you want mami?" He looked down at his phone before looking back up at the road.

"Chic Fil A." I replied.


"Get Tae a chicken sandwich meal too, sprite to drink." I told him.

"Man Tae don't got a nigga to get him food?" He rolled his eyes.

"Don't be worried bout me and mine, you heard yo KK, get me something too." Tae laughed.

"Whatever. KK Ima call you when I'm outside."

"Okay pooh, byebye." I waved as I hung up the phone.

"Girl that nigga in love with you." Tae said as he applied a layer of glue on my wig cap.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Girl hell yes. Anybody could see it. Especially if they knew him before he got with you? Girl that nigga used to be ruthless as hell. He always been mean." Tae shook his head.

"How long you been knowing him?"

"Since he moved down here. About 5 years. And I don't really know him, I just know what everybody else know." Tae shrugged his shoulders.

"My baby ain't mean."

"Not to you chile." He laughed again.

"Okay hold this side down." Tae put my hands on the lace near my ear.

He pulled the rest of the lace to my other ear, and laid it on the glue.

"Okay you can let go." He said.

I let it go, and he cut the excess lace off after the glue dried.

"Ou, bitch it's giving scalp already." I said looking in the mirror.

"Period! You know how I get down."

Tae front door unlocked, and Ari walked in.

"Hi sweetface!" I said as she came and hugged me.

Love, Kentrell.Where stories live. Discover now