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6 days later

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6 days later..

"Demario why is this bitch steady mentioning me then?" I put my hand on my hip.

"I don't fucking know! I ain't fucked on that hoe man don't start with me." He waved me off.

"No because this bitch got too much to say! Why would she just be sitting up here making all these fucking lies Demario?" I threw a plate at him and he ducked.

"Ariana man, chill out. She just want fucking attention." He ducked, as I threw more shit.

"You piss me off so bad." I cried.

"Ariana she is fucking lying!" He frowned.

"All these bitches lying? Every single one of them? Do I got stupid written on my fucking forehead?" I folded my arms.

"You saying that like you didn't cheat on me! You literally fucked Karin." He mugged me and I rolled my eyes.

"Nigga that was damn near 7 months ago! I been fucking on her for years nigga you fucking knew that. We wasn't even together Demario!" I walked up to him as he backed up.

"Man Ariana back the fuck up." He said as his back hit the wall.

"If I don't? Touch me so I can beat yo fucking ass." I frowned.

"You need to stop letting these bitches get to yo head. I been with you every fucking day, besides when I went on tour. And even then, I was calling you every second. I ain't gave you no reason not to trust me. These bitches playing on the net cause they know yo ass crazy." He told me and I sighed, wiping my face.

"I got you forever. I ain't looking at no hoe besides you." He wrapped his arms around me, as I cried.

Feeling liquid run down my legs, I frowned.

"Bae give me my phone." I told him.


"Demario give me my fucking phone!" I yelled, grabbing my stomach.

He ran to the kitchen, grabbing my phone and bringing it to me.

I dialed Karin number, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby." She answered.

"Karin my water just broke." I cried.

"What? You need to go to the hospital Ariana. I'm on my way." She said, and Bagg helped me to the car.

"Karin it's too early. I'm only 7 and a half months." I sniffed.

"It's okay baby. Keep your legs open okay? You have to hurry so they can make sure nothing is wrong." She told me as Bagg drove.

He grabbed my phone putting it to his ear.

"Is she gonna be okay?" He mumbled.

"Karin." He said.

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