Part III - H.S.

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I'm stupid, I know. I shouldn't have broken up with him, and I definitely shouldn't have used him for sex afterwards.

Every cell in my body is screaming at me for leaving him, because how could anyone ever be stupid enough to break up with Louis fucking Tomlinson? Deep down, I know it couldn't have lasted, but that makes it even worse, because I know that, in an alternate universe where we were normal guys with normal jobs, we could have had a happily ever after. We could've gotten married, had kids, bought a pretty little house in the suburbs...

I sigh. Thinking about what we could have had is just going to make me feel shittier, because, let's be honest, the whole situation is pretty shitty already. The show was hell, because it was just so wrong. First show in America this year, first show without Zayn, first show being single...

Practically every song I wrote was for him and vice versa. It hurts so bad to sing them now. Little Things, 18, No Control, They Don't Know About Us, Something Great, Happily...

I pick up my phone and text Niall. He's always a great distraction.

Me: Come to my room Ni

Niall: y

Me: Need a distraction

Niall: ok I'll b there in 5 w snax

I sigh and turn off my phone. I've always hated the way Niall texts, but today, it's particularly annoying. At least he's bringing food.


I look up just in time to get hit in the face by a packet of gummy worms. I glare at Niall, who just shrugs sheepishly, and gesture for him to come join me. He plops down on the bed and hogs about ninety percent of the blanket, but I don't mind too much. It's not cold anyway.

"So what's wrong?" Niall asks, stuffing his mouth with a handful of several different types of candy and sweets.

I open my mouth to answer and to tell him not to mix different foods together, but he shushes me.

"No, actually, don't answer that. I already know. And I also know what you need."

"And what is that? Junk food and Fleetwood Mac?"

"Well, yes, that too, but I was going to say a rebound."

My mouth falls open. "You want me to date someone else, not even two weeks after breaking up with the love of my life?! That's not fair."

"Not fair to who, Haz?"

"To him, to our relationship-"

"To him, who you are not on speaking terms with, and to your relationship which ended? Look, Harry, I know better than anyone how important your relationship was to you guys and how much you love each other. But I also know that the industry is shit. I'm not asking you to move on, mate, just to distract yourself. I hate seeing you moping around in your room all the time."

I groan. I want to stay mad, but I can't, for two reasons. One, he has a point. Fuck, I hate it when Niall has a point. And two, he said love, not loved, and I can't decide whether I should cry or smile.

"Fine. But since it was your idea, you have to find me someone. I'm not putting in any work for this."

"Deal," he says with a shit-eating grin.

"Fuck off," I mutter, putting on some music.

He's about to open a new pack of candy, but he pauses and smirks.

"Speaking of fuck, real classy to hook up with your ex, Styles. Yeah, I know about that."

"Of course you do." I roll my eyes. "Now shut up."

After a few hours of junk food and Fleetwood Mac, Niall leaves to go find me a rebound. I call Liam to see what he's up to, because I'm sick of staying locked up in my room.

"Hello?" Liam's voice sounds muffled and there's a lot of noise in the background.

"Liam? Uh, where are you? Are you busy?"

He immediately sounds concerned. "Why, is something wrong?"

"No, no. Just bored."

"Um..." Now he sounds uncomfortable. "Well, um, I'm at the bar with Lou..."

"Oh." Of course I'm glad that Louis isn't moping around because of me, but a part of me is jealous that he's able to go out and enjoy himself while I lie in bed and cry over him. I know better than to think that he's already moved on, but it still hurts that he's out partying so soon.

"You could, uh... You could join us if you want..." Liam seems to sense my disappointment and gets even more awkward. He's so obviously uncomfortable that I almost laugh.

I actually consider his offer for a second, but I decide to save all of us the awkwardness and turn him down. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. Have fun, mate." And then, I can't help but add, "Take care of him."

I mentally slap myself. I shouldn't burden him with my stupid, worrying nature. Besides, Louis is a grown man. He can take care of himself.

But Liam seems to understand. He always understands, and I love him for that.

"Of course, Haz. You take care of yourself. I've got him. Goodnight."

About an hour later, I get a call from Niall. I sigh and pick up.

"What do you want, Ni?"

"So, about your rebound..."

I don't answer, waiting for him to finish.

"... How would you feel about dating Kendall Jenner?"

"What the fuck?!"

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