Part VI - L.T.

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Bonus: zouis <3

July 2010

The first seven and a half minutes of the car ride to Harry's dad's house are excruciatingly awkward.

No one tries to start a conversation. I would, but I have no idea what to say to these guys. In fact, I don't even remember their names. Except Harry, of course. I could never forget his name after he fucking pissed on me and then gave me a stupid, gorgeous grin.

Finally, when I'm just starting to consider jumping out of the car while it's rolling, I decide that I should say something.

"This car ride is going to be long, and I'm not about to spend three hours in awkward silence. Let's start by introducing ourselves properly, shall we? I'm Louis, I'm eighteen, I'm from Doncaster, and I love footie and pizza."

The blonde lad smiles. "I'm Niall, I'm seventeen, I'm Irish, and I also love football and every form of food."

The tall lad with the Justin Bieber haircut speaks up. "My name is Liam, I'm from Wolverhampton, I have two sisters, and I love singing."

Harry introduces himself next. " 'M Harry, 'M sixteen, from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, got a sister called Gemma, and I work in a bakery."

Niall laughs. "So you can cook? We're gonna get on really well."

I feel a twinge of jealousy, but it's impossible to be mad at Niall. He's just such a sweet, happy guy.

The lads start talking and laughing, but I notice that the fifth boy hasn't said anything. He looks rather shy and uncomfortable, so I try to put him at ease.

"Hey, mate. You wanna tell us about yourself? You don't have to, but we'd love to get to know you."

He smiles slightly. "Um, my name's Zayn, I'm from Bradford, I love spray painting..."

So he's the quiet artsy kid. I'm neither of those things, but, for some reason, I feel like we're going to be good friends.

We continue talking for the next hour or so, and I figure out four things. One, Liam is annoying and too serious. Two, I'm going to end up being very protective of Niall. Three, me and Zayn actually have a lot in common and I really like him. And four, I have a big, fat, stupid crush on Harry Styles.

December 2010

The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a mass of brown curls and an adorable dimpled grin.

"Lou, wake up, wake up!"

I groan and roll over onto my back.

"Five minutes..."

I close my eyes and get comfortable again, but I'm suddenly being pulled out of bed.

"Haz..." I whine, "Let me sleep."

"It's the 24th, babe," he whisper-shouts excitedly.

My eyes widen and I sit up, fully awake. It's Christmas Eve. Actually, screw Christmas Eve. It's my birthday!

I pull Harry down into a hug and press my lips against his.

"It's my birthday!" I giggle giddily into his ear.

His grin widens and he climbs off me. "Hurry up and get ready, birthday boy. I have a present for you.

Five minutes later, I have a blindfold over my eyes and I'm being led down the stairs.

"Alright, that's good. Stop moving. You can open your eyes."

I open my eyes and look around. The only thing in front of me is Harry.

"What's the present?" I ask, confused.

"A promise."


"I promise that I'll be yours forever. I promise that I'll always be by your side. I promise that I'll love you with all my heart. I promise that I'll try my best to be the boyfriend you deserve."

I can feel tears in my eyes and I'm pretty sure my heart's going to burst with emotion.

I throw my arms around him and kiss him as hard as I can, hoping he understands how much that means to me.

When I've managed to somewhat compose myself, I smile fondly at him and lean back against the counter.

"Promises go two ways. I don't think I'm ready right now, but one day I'll give you the promises you deserve."

February 2012

I lay in bed, my naked body pressed against Harry's, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be. I wrap my arms around his waist and press a soft kiss to his shoulder.

"You were my first, you know that?" I whisper into his ear.

"Your first what?" he asks, turning to face me.

"My first everything. My first boyfriend, my first love, the boy who took my virginity, the boy who took my heart...My first everything."

He blushes and chuckles quietly.

"If this your birthday present to me, I love it."

"Actually," I say, remembering something I said a few months ago, "my present to you is a promise."

His eyes widen and he looks like he's going to cry.

"You were my first everything and I promise that you'll be my last."

January 2013

The interview is going pretty well. Very boring, but easy questions so far. I think I can handle "Describe your dream girl," and, "If you were a girl for a day, which band member would you date?"

The interviewer (whose name I already forgot) pulls out the next question.

"What do you want in a best friend? Niall?"

Niall, who was obviously not paying attention, turns towards the interviewer with a blank look on his face.

"Um... Everything these four have."

June 2013

Answering questions on stage is always a fun thing to do. I pick up my mic and read the first question out loud.

"What is one thing you couldn't live without?"

Wow. I have no idea what to answer to that. I can't even think of a funny or sarcastic comment to make. So, naturally, I pass the question along to Zayn.


He pauses for a second and smiles at me before putting a hand on my shoulder.


I grin and wrap my arms around my best friend.

"I love you, bro."

"I love you too."

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