Chapter 7- Ice Cream

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The pic above is not the one Archer is wearing but Selena's dress is cute lol.

Archers POV

As Matt and I left the restaurant I could not stop smiling, my best friend was so sweet.

"Okay like I said the night is not quite over" he said, looking over at me with a smile.

his smile is adorable..

Archer oh my gosh shut up.

I literally just told my own thoughts to stop thinking...

I looked over to Matt as he was starting the car, and smiled. He smiled back excitedly and turned his attention to the road, before he began to drive.

"Sunday morninnn rain is fallinnnn.. Steal some covers share some skinn"
(A/N Hehe guys I had to)

We both sang loudly to Maroon 5 with the windows rolled down, on the way to this "mystery destination."

"Matt where exactly are we going" I asked as we drove on the busy streets of Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Just wait and see" he said with his infamous smirk.
I just smiled and jumped up and down in my seat with excitement. He knew surprises were my all time favorite. However, the waiting for the surprise is the hardest part.

"Alll I need.. In darkness she is allll I see, driving slow on Sunday mornin.. I never wanna leave.." I sang which made Matt keep looking at me giggling, and smiling.

"Okay we're here!" Matt squealed like a five year old. He's such a child and that's why I love him! The same goes to all my other friends.

"ICE CREAM!" I yelled once I realized where we were. He had brought me to a Baskin Robbins ice cream shop because I have an unhealthy obsession with the flavored frozen dairy.

Matt hopped out of his seat and came over to my side of the car and opened the door for me like a perfect gentleman.

Chivalry is most definitely not dead.

"My lady" he said while opening the door and bowing.

"Why thank you my noble kind sir," I replied hopping out of the car and bowing my head.

We both laughed before hurriedly making our way into the shop.

I knew exactly what I wanted to get. Chocolate fudge brownie, in a sugar cone. With sprinkles. And extra chocolate sauce on the top.

"Matt I want-"

Before I could finish my statement, he cut me off, "Archer we've been best friends for years I know exactly what type of ice cream you get." He began talking in what was known as the "typical Starbucks drinker" voice which is actually quite biased. "You get the same exact thing every single time. Hashtag basic!"

I punched him in the arm, laughing as he acted with faux pain.

"You two are so adorable, how long have you been together?" The lady working behind the counter asks with an enthused look on her face.

I quickly look over to Matt, and see he's just looking at the floor smiling. I couldn't help but blush at what the woman said, and Matt's reaction.

"Oh no... Uh-umm were not dating" I said with an awkward smile.

You would think I would be used to people asking about our nonexistent relationship by now with the whole internet wanting to know where we stand in each other's lives.

"Yet..." It sounded like Matt mumbled under his breath.

"Wait what was that Matt?" I asked giggling nervously, trying to break the shell of awkwardness surrounding us again for about the billionth time tonight.

"Ummm wild 'n reckless" Matt said grabbing my arm and walking to the register with me following him. Not like I had a choice since he had my arm and all.

I pushed in front of him and told the cashier what I wanted. I did not want Matt paying for anything else because that dinner was way too expensive. He had done enough so after I ordered what I knew Matt would get (he wasn't the only one who knew his best friend's favorite ice cream flavor my heart) , I went into my purse to grab some money from my wallet.

"No I got it Archer." Matt said before for both of us.

After I complained his ear off about all the reasons I should have paid, I thanked him continuously.

"Archer I wanted to take you out, you can quit thanking me now," he said after a minute, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
I just smiled in return.

We walked outside and sat at a table. It felt so nice out. There was a slight cool breeze, but it was still warm.

Who am I kidding?
It was Las Vegas so the only breeze was hot but I still enjoyed the heat.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Matt asked with a sweet expression on his face.

"Matt are you kidding? I had an amazing time thank you." I was probably smiling like an idiot.

He perked up happily "Mission accomplished then!" he stated.


We here talking about anything and everything on the drive back to the hotel. The majority of the time was filled with funny accents and Dinosaur noises. I was having such a nice time with just Matt, not hearing "#Marcher" every five seconds.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the whole Matt and I dating thing sounds..

"Ya know to be completely honest Archer, I'm glad it was just us tonight" Matt said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really" Matt said confidentially.

"Why is that Mr. Espinosa?" I asked smirking.

"Don't call me that."

"Call you what?"

"Mr. Espinosa. It makes me either feel like I'm really old or I'm Mr. Grey."

I looked horrified over at Matt, "This is not Fifty Shades of Grey and will not turn into a conversation about it because my innocent mind in no way can handle that."

The bagel obsessed child just laughed at me.

I began to admire the city and how beautiful it looked all lit up at night. As I was looking out the window, I could tell Matt kept looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked puzzled.
"Because your beautiful, I enjoy looking at beautiful people and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence"
(A/N Omg TFIOS I cry 😂)
Oh my gosh he just quoted the fault in our stars, hahaha.

"Ya know Matt I'm really surprised you memorized the whole line," I was holding back my almost uncontrollable laughter

"Hey it sounded really good!" He laughed trying to defend himself.

"That was really sweet Matt but you can use your own words," I still said laughing.

"Hey they don't have to be my words to be true" he said, smiling at me.

At this point I was smiling like an idiot once again, and probably blushing like crazy. I can't wait to get back to the hotel and tell Andrea all about tonight.

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