CHAPTER 6- Not A Date

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I have never been to the Eiffel Tower Restaurant or even Las Vegas so Google and Google Earth was my friend for this chapter! Lol.

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"What do you mean you have plans?" I looked at my girl best friend, dumbfounded.

Andrea turns around to look at me before slowly saying, "I have plans for tonight Archer. I'm going out with a boy." She said the word boy as if she was talking to a child.

You don't have to talk to me like I'm one Andrea.

"Ugh fine I'll just text Ashley and see if she wants to go to dinner with Matt and I," I stated before slipping my phone out of my back pocket.

Andrea turned back the the mirror and as she was fixing her hair said, "She's busy too. Said she was gonna spend the night around the city with Shawn."

I groaned and threw my phone onto the hotel bed before I threw myself down too. "I don't want to go to dinner with just me and Matt! It will be so awkward because hello, guy and girl at a fancy restaurant together. It just spells out romance."

"Where are you guys going?"

"Well Matt told me to dress fancy and said he was going to come by to get me at 8. And I'm guessing fancy clothes means fancy restaurant. And fancy restaurant means romantic restaurant, which means romance. And romance means couples. And couples means-"

"Archer shut up!" Andrea cut me off with a disbelieving laugh. "Stop over exaggerating you've known Matt since the diaper days and I know you guys have been alone together many times so why would this time be any different." She turned back towards me and raised one of her perfect brows before adding, "Unless you, you know, like like Matt in a like like way."

I groaned and closed my eyes, using my hands to cover my face, "We have gone over this many times Andrea! I even told you today on the stage when you pulled me aside! I don't like Matt in more than a friend way."

She was going to say something but I cut her off by saying, "In fact, I kinda like Shawn."

Why did I blurt that out. Oh my gosh I'm so stupid.

I peeked at her through my fingers and saw shock and disappointment in her face as she let out an, "Oh," before turning back to the mirror and getting ready for her date.


"So you never told me who you were going on a date with tonight," I said to Andrea as I walked out of the bathroom. I was dressed in a white dress with a sheer tool layer covered in golden sparkles, on the skirt. I decided to curl my hair and wear white and gold heels. I hoped I wouldn't fall at dinner because I didn't usually wear heels.

"With Kenny," she replied simply acting as if it was no big deal but I saw the blush on her cheeks. If it wasn't obvious Kenny Holland was someone on tour with us. He was an amazing singer and person.

"Awe I ship it! Let's call it, Kenndrea," I said as I spread my hands out in front of me like Spongebob did when he said "Imagination."

"You look cute," she stated, totally changing the subject.

I decided to let it slide this time before returning the compliment to her and saying she did too. I nervously picked up my clutch and phone off the bed and saw that it was five minutes to eight.

Meaning Matt would be here in five minutes and I am not ready at all, mentally that is.

A knock sounded at the door, making me jump and look up at Andrea. "That's Matt," she said, "Kenny said he would call before he came to get me."

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