Chapter 8- Vegas Trouble

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"Andrea!" I yelled as I shut the door to our hotel room. I didn't have to worry about Matt hearing me because we had said goodbye at the elevator. Luckily, we weren't staying on the same floor so I could yell all I wanted to about our friendly date thing.

Ew I sound like some lovesick weirdo when really it was just simply two friends on a friendly friend outing.

"Oh." Was my response when I saw it was clearly not Andrea on my bed.

"Archer hi!" Ashley said as she stood up from my bed with her usual cheery smile on her face.

"Hey. Um where's Andrea?" I really needed to tell my best friend about that night and I needed to fast before I were to explode.

"Oh she's out with Kenny but I thought I'd stop by to hang out with you! You look like you have something you really wanna let out so feel free to tell me. You can trust me, I pinkie promise." She held out her pinkie in front of her to show she would make the promise.

A pinkie promise? Things just got real.

Although I felt a bit childish wrapping my little finger around hers, I went on gushing about my night with Matt.

"You like Matt don't you?" She asked after I was done telling my story.

"No," I said defensively and immediately.

"Yes you do," she stated with a knowing look in her eye.

I let out a breath before covering my face with my hands, "I think that stupid diaper wearing, arrow shooting, love baby shot me with one of his love arrows."

This statement made Ashley giggle. "That was the oddest description of Cupid that I've ever heard."

"Well he's stupid so let's just forget about him."

"Archer," Ashley said, suddenly becoming serious. "You know if you and Matt were to get together, how many complications would follow."

I grabbed a hotel pillow before screaming into it. "I know, I know," I said after I threw the stupid pillow across the room. "Wait ew who knows what that pillow has gone through and it was on my face, that's disgusting."

Ashley made a gross face at that comment but before she could respond, the sound of my basic Apple ringtone that everyone has, went off.

I sighed before finding my phone, seeing Nash's name pop up and swiping my finger on the screen to answer.

"Hey Nash."

"Arch, Matt won't stop talking about you. Help us," Cameron's voice spoke from the other side. Guess Cam took Nash's phone.

I heard the sound of Matt yelling "That's not true," followed by sounds of a lot of movement and grunts coming from Cam. After a few minutes of what sounded like play fighting, a loud sound came from the phone.

"Dude, you just dropped my phone! If it's broken you're buying me a new one!" Nash's voice yelled as it sounded like he was getting closer to the phone.

That boy is always getting his phone shattered.

With a half laugh, half sigh, I hung up on the goys. "What do you say we have a little girls night Ashley?"


"Ashley!" I yelled as we stumbled down the streets of Las Vegas, even though the girl was right beside me.

"What!" She yelled back with a giggle.

"Where in the world are we going," I twirled around, "where's our hotel? Did it just get up and run away or something?"

"I dunno, I think so."

I grabbed my phone out of my purse before calling my favorite person in the whole city. Well one of my favorite persons.

"Hello?" His voice spoke from the phone.

"Matt," I giggled. "Where's our hotel at, it hopped down the street, we're so lost. It literally like grew legs and just hopped like a bunny. Omg like I'm like not even kidding. Like literally," I said in a strange voice that didn't sound like my own.

"Archer where are you? What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about silly? I'm in Las Vegas. Vegas Los. Legas Vos. I'm here for this thing called Highlight Tour and so are you." I laughed before suddenly halting. "Wait, I feel drunk. Is this what drunk feels like?" I said concerned. "Oh my gosh Matty boy I think I'm ditsy help me. Wait that's nit the right word"

"Archer how the-"

"Wait never mind," I giggled loudly, and Ashley copied for some reason. "I feel great. Brand stankin spankin new. Not dizzy anymore. " I put my phone by my side and me and Ashley casually stumbled down the street.

"Do Lia and Andrea know about you being in loooove?"

"Ashley, shhh. I need to talk to Cam," I giggled as I thought of my close friend. "He's so dreamy," I spoke with dreamy eyes, now talking about Matt.

"Oh my gosh a tattoo shop!" Ashley screeched, "Let's go and get one!"

My clouded eyes lit up at her words and we stumbled to the door of the shop.


"Matthew!" I giggled as my fluffy haired bestie dragged me down the hotel hallway. We had just dropped Ashley off at Shawn's room and her cousin was very disappointed in us.

"How did you even know we were at the tattoo place? Your eyes got so big when you saw us there." I stopped, causing him to stop too since he was holding my arm.

"You eyes got like this big," I took my arm back from his grip and used my hands to hold both my eyes open wide. "And you saw us picking out tattoos you went no, no," I shoved my finger sternly into his face.

"Archer," he groaned out, grabbing my hand and continued to pull us down the never ending hallway.

"Matt if you wanted to hold my hand you could've just asked," I giggled.

He ignored me so I decided to fill the air by singing Stitches.


"Oh my gosh," was the first thing I groaned out in the bright morning.

"Rise and shine, Sunshine," Andrea said way too loudly and way too closely to my face.

"Shhh. There is currently an an angry pack of ape alpacas ripping my brain to shreds inside of my skull. Ugh I must have slept wrong."

"Nope sweetie, your neck isn't the problem. However, you drink your price, you pay the price."

"Andrea," I grumbled. "Be a doll and stop talking riddles because I may have food poisoning or something I honestly feel sick to my stomach and a bit delirious." I squeezed my eyes shut tight like lemons and tried to pop the seed of pain out of my head.

"You and Ashley got drunk last night."

My eyes opened wide at that, "What? No!"

However, she only kept a serious face.

"Andrea, that's ridiculous I would never voluntarily drink." I closed my eyes tight again to try to remember what had happened the night before. We had gone to this.. this place that Ashley got us in, and she left for a few minutes as I was awkwardly sitting alone at a table. There were a lot of people and it was almost like what I would imagine a club would look like but everyone there was obviously underage. Ashley came back with some tropical drink name I had no idea how to pronounce. It also tasted a bit off but it was a new drink so that was to be expected. It wasn't alcohol because it wasn't off in that way. It was fruity but a bit... Chalky?

"Andrea. I think I was drugged."

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