~Chapter 22~

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Setting the decorative cake box down on one of the plastic tables set up in the orphanages courtyard, Sans peeked at Muffet's handy work. A round, white cake looked back at him - the edges were lined with gold icing and white and gold edible flowers, and in the center there was a sort of bouquet of those same flowers, Muffet had even managed to make it look like a ribbon was wrapped around the flowers. Sans had to hand it to the woman, she sure knew how to make pretty baked goods. Next to him, Red set down two boxes of cupcakes - 24 in each box, each cupcake iced with white frosting and a white or gold flower on top - next to the cake. "You said your friend would be dropping off the rest of the food later, right babe?"

Sans's soul fluttered momentarily in his chest, he still wasn't totally used to Red using pet names. "Yeah, Grillbz said everything should be ready for four, which'll give us an hour to set it all out."

Admittedly, Sans's idea to throw a sort of "DIY wedding" for Error and Ink had been incredibly impulsive, but all the others seemed to jump on the idea, happy to help Sans with prep - well, Cross, Pap, Red, Nightmare, and even Mettaton helped, Killer and Chara sat on the side lines and made sarcastic comments. (Nightmare had managed to get Killer to help with a few things though, like pinning up streamers and balloons to the stone walls around the orphanage, it was pretty cute how much of a soft spot Killer had for the prince.)

His idea also hinged on the idea that Error and Ink would be away from the orphanage all afternoon, and lo and behold, when Sans suggested the two see a movie and just spend some time to themselves, especially with everything that's happened recently, the couple seemed happy to go along with his idea.

"Isn't this kinda overkill? Why the hell do we need 96 fucking cupcakes?" Killer called from his perch on the wall, looking down at the table of sweets as Cross set down the last two cupcake boxes.

"Mom and dad had, like, over 100 at their wedding."

"What the fuck?!"

"Weddings are big, and one of the main things you do at them is eat. Which means you need a lot of food, dipshit." Cross shot back at the shorter skeleton. Ever since Killer and Night had given him that note, Cross had been a lot quieter than usual. Not that Sans could blame him. Still, he hoped the party would help Cross take his mind off of things for a few hours.

Speaking of people being quieter than normal, Chara still hadn't really talked to Sans. Last week he had gone back home with Papyrus - that evening had been all over the place and insanely emotional for the whole family - and Chara had all but ignored the two brothers, hiding away in her room most of the night. At least Asgore was happy; though he seemed a bit disappointed that neither skeleton stuck around for the night.

"Could we please try to swear less around our younger sister?" Papyrus asked the two monsters, his arms full with a stack of chairs.

Killer glared at Papyrus, flipping him off. "Fuck off, prick."

"Watch it, Killer." Sans grumbled, starting to set out paper plates. He understood why Killer was ansty around the ex-guards, Cross and now Papyrus, but dammit, he wished Killer wouldn't automatically go insulting them.

"Whatever. Is there at least going to be booze at this thing?"

"No. And don't go sneaking any in." Killer groaned, flopping onto his back. Which looked pretty painful, bone hitting rock was never fun.

"Maybe that's for the best... since Chara will be there? A-and Ink told me Error doesn't like alcohol..." Nightmare said softly, reaching up to pat Killer's hand. "Can you help me set up the wedding arch Kills?" Unsurprisingly to anyone there, Killer agreed to help.

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