49. The Grand Final (Abu Dhabi)

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2 Years Later - Tuesday, 29.8.2023

Elza's POV

"Good morning Natalie! Where's Sofia?" I greeted my friend as I walked into the building that had become one of my happy places. 

"Good morning girl, don't you look amazing this morning! She's already upstairs talking with Monika about the gala," Natalie said from behind the front desk. She had joined the company only six months ago but as soon as I met her, we hit it off. She was kind and funny as hell. 

"Oh, that's great! I'm bit late anyways... Don't you wanna join us? You can just leave your phone number here if someone needs something," I told her. D&A Müller annual charity gala was approaching and for some reason the women of this company were mostly in charge of the preparations. 

"Nah, it's fine, Sofia can fill me in later. Wouldn't want to make the boss angry."

"He won't get angry Natalie but fine, suit yourself," I said and started to make my way to the elevators. 

"Easy for you to say!" 

"Yeah yeah, whatever! Lunch today?" I yelled, not too loud but loud enough to get few stares from the three architects also waiting for the lift. 

"Sure!" I gave her thumbs up and walked into the elevator. When I got to the fourth floor it was already buzzing. People were talking and laughing. I loved it. 

"Good morning Elza," two of my colleagues said at the same time when I walked past them. 

"Elza good, you're here! You need to talk some sense into Mathias. He thinks we don't need theme for the gala but we absolutely do need one. It's traditional," Monika showed up behind the corner with a disbelief written all over her face.

"He's traumatized after last year's jungle theme," I said walking to my office, Monika following me close behind. 

"The jungle theme was success," my boss said as we entered my room. 

"Maybe something bit more low key this year?" I asked raising my eyebrow. 

"It's not negotiable," Monika and I both turned around to see the source of the voice. 

"Mathias, don't be so boring," Monika said dramatically and then turning to look at me, asking for my support. 

"We could do black and white party?" I suggested, smiling to our boss. Puppy eyes work every time.

"Fine, black and white but that's it. Nothing crazy," Mathias said firmly pointing at Monika. 

"Hah! You think Elza is all that innocent. Last year, the parrots were actually her idea!" Monika yelped and pointed at me. Mathias' eyes moved to me and I saw small smirk playing on his lips. 

"Monika, would you please leave us for a minute," Mathias told my boss, not really taking his eyes off of me. "And close the door, please." Monika rolled her eyes and walked out of my office, closing the door behind her. 

"Parrots are fun," I said and tugged my laptop out of my hand bag. 

"Don't give a fuck about parrots. How are you feeling?" Mathias walked behind my back and pulled me against his chest. 

"Tired, but that's nothing new anymore," I said, turning around and wrapping my arms around the man now in front of me.

"I told you to stay in bed today so now I'm wondering why you're here," he said caressing my hair. 

"I can't just lie around in the bed all day. Besides I have two projects that both needs to be handed in to the clients on Friday and also because you can't boss me around," I told him.

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