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And there it goes again. As fast as it came to be, another clumsy attempt is washed away by the wrath of the darkness. Or for better words, the Love of the darkness. Yes, I am aware that that is an oxymoron. But do you know what else is an oxymoron? The state of that sorry world. The clashing of the two states of man and nature is such a sin for how the two are made to work in harmony and stewardship. But the worse sin is that those responsible continue to abuse the easy way out. Typical.

Twisting and crackling, the Earth screams out in it's revenge on those who exploited it. But the people become so disconnected from the Earth during these recurring events prior that those responsible who remember never take away the message. They've learned not to care millennia ago, which is so unfortunate for the Earth which has no better way of voicing its suffering. If only the Magypsies knew…

It's been… an unknown period of time. Time loses its meaning when it's warping itself, after all. At first I thought I was the only one to be able to withstand this so easily, but I quickly found out that there is another. But it feels more like I'm the other one in his point of view, since he claims to come before me. And from what incredible talents I've seen from this young-looking chap, I don't believe he is breaking one of the most important assumptions about human communication: that the person is telling the truth.

He really believes that this cycle will end soon. I've already lost hope. But I will still continue to bathe in the happy days that the sweet oblivious get before it all comes crashing down again. And again, and again. How many times has it been now? I've lost count. The events are always slightly different, but it's getting repeatable. He says it will be different this time. I think not. He says I need to stop being pessimistic. I say he needs to come back to reality. That spiteful brat will never end his reign, but he really has faith in him. Sometimes I speculate that he's grovelling to cowardice, or allowing optimism to tear out his eyes and numb his brain… but he'd laugh and remind me of his lack of an organic body. Geheheh, it took me a moment to remember that he's what some would call a ghost. He's not quite like those recycled souls that sit around in Osohe like aging cuts of steak.

Ah, it's coming to an end now. The colossal beast is finally settling down. One, two… all seven balls of light are there and ready… That being of apparent darkness always likes to rest on its stomach with its upper paws under its head. And as its eyes of gold seal shut, the spears come plummeting from the Heavens from where the last one was hurtled just hours before. Wait, I cannot say that. It could have taken minutes, milliseconds, years or millennia. Time during this transition is like being thrown through that part before a black hole's event horizon.

Not a muscle twitches as the golden swords are sunken deep into its flesh. Those things are much longer than they appear on land. The ghostly boy attempts to nudge me, but I don't feel a thing. He's lucky he's in my provisional, since any human's eyes are naturally drawn to kinetic energy. "Ain't that a show, eh? Soon tha others'll come rainin' down as well. I'd like tae say we're a blessed pair tah get tae witness such marvelous rebirthin'~!"
I sigh and look over at him, pinching the bridge of my nose and giving him an upward glare. “Marvellous?! We have seen this so many times when we should not have. It has become routine at this point.” I now find myself aggravatedly talking with my hands, finally losing my decades long patience. “Why do you not just kill him already?!”
Anybody else would have snapped back at this. But he didn’t. He has more patience than I’ll ever have. Ah…
“Because, mah loyal companion, I ain’t quite strong enuff yet! Just one more loop o’ tha events should be plenty for me tae finally reach out tae him. He’ll listen tae me, that’s fo sho.” Ruffling his wings, some of his glowy white feathers loosen and tumble down from him.
“Were you not able to talk to some of the last ones briefly last time-?” I ponder, my expression softening simply because my face was becoming too tired to hold such a vivid expression for too long.
“Barely. It took a lotta m’strength outta me. But trust me, mah good sir. It’ll work this time. Just gimme the next couple o’ generations until those twins show up and I should be good tae go.”

MOTHER 3 Tragic Reconstruction: Uprising (Potentially Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now