Chapter 3: Dekonstruert

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Lay it down gently and strap it in bare. Keep in mind what the king wants, shan’t it slip your mind to please your wonderful ruler.  Administer anaesthesia, you’re not to let it wake. Do not let it see the horrors we’re about to commit, the beautiful Reconstruction that is about to take place. Have the superior new parts been prepared as he asked? Good, they shall benefit us well- there is not a care for how it will suffer in our grasp as such. Okay. Now, bring me the weapons of precise deconstruction and I’ll slice in as I see fit.
Each smooth line drawn across its flesh, oh how the feeling of the split and tear satisfies! How perfectly it has been made, not a jagged part in a single cut. The body laid before us had been morphed into a diagram of what will be our latest new killing machine. 
    Sew the evil into place
                And may it enter its bloodstream
                                    And interrogate their hearts
        Trick their minds into believing what we do.
            Master King P.
Whether the parts be mechanical or organic, they shall still be as satisfactory. He wants one of either after all. Will it ever remember how we killed it, right here and now? Will it ever recollect how we warped its very perception of existence and how we are the ones who will drag it through the flaming depths of Hell and back? May no mercy be shown while we continue to grace this body with our scientifically artistic choices, some day it will come to realise that we have made it into nothing but perfection. 

This is a mess, but why can it not be messier? This was supposed to be a storm of creativity, a bramble bush with the fruit of thoughts most disturbed. Find this bramble bush and eat of the fruit, and the process will return to you. You will feel alive, your body will soar with sensations unintelligible to the human mind. This is why we turn them inhuman, this is why we break them into beings inhumane. This is why we warp minds to flexibility in our own hands, wrap it around the ring finger of the king. It creates that kind of madness without the inevitable suspicion from your average person. The process remains, the effects remain, but now the nature of it is shrouded as a social norm, a label. There is nothing wrong with you, you just need to meet our standards more! Man up, grow up, but don’t come down from the clouds. Your first trip on Jesus may not be your last, but it will be your fall, and we will catch you. This is the norm, this is capitalism, this is what’s shielding you from a more brutal reality. We are those who protect the masses, we are those who exploit this world to its full potential. And you.


13th September 2XXX                        Dr. Norman Andonuts

Special lab report: Waking project Blaidd

Today we concluded that the healing of the tissue on project Blaidd was fully completed and that we could finally bring him out of his coma to test his movement, senses and presence of mind. Processes went well and Blaidd awakened slowly but surely, however he showed immediate signs of irritation. After he came around fully and seemed to be regaining his senses, heart palpitations immediately occurred in him as he suddenly gained a surge of physical energy, becoming aggressive and lashing out on many of our well-trained and suited pigmasks. Full human consciousness seemed negative; the nature of his attack was utterly animalistic, which is not how his mind should have turned out. Further assessments into him via brain scans will take place shortly after this report.

He seemed to have gained use of his new biological chimerical parts to an extent, which is unusual for he has not been awake and aware enough to have gained an understanding of his body. I hypothesise that his mind has been reduced to an unusual state of primordial instinct and that a little more healing time, perhaps with some assistance of Mx Locria’s healing PSI, he will return to a humane state of mind. Blaidd was witnessed scratching mostly, using his new claws, and making use of his fangs as well. The most unusual detail was how his tail was curled upward, which would signify alertness, however he did not seem to be “all there”. His balance was abysmal and his attacks sluggish; his spatial awareness was non-existent almost like his human mind.

3 pigmasks were non-fatally and not seriously injured during this attack and have been taken care of accordingly. I analysed their clothing that was ripped and the tears look to have been made carelessly without tactic for how much thread is loose and how jagged the tears are too.

Through this attack I was able to confirm some things though. Firstly, that his animal parts were fully functional and Blaidd is able to control them as they are his own. Second, he showed ability to smell danger and even fear, for he seemed to have been guiding himself with his nose to locate and attack pigmasks. This could be very useful for the gains that we are looking to make with him. Lastly, his strength was clear: even in such a drowsy state, his attacks were slow but powerful, able to cut through all layers of the clothing of the pigmasks and then scratch their skin to the point of slightly significant bleeding.

The planned scans of Blaidd’s brain should only take 3-5 days to complete. Depending on the results, we can go through many a different procedure or simply bring in Locria. Results of scans will be provided with the next report.

20th September 2XXX                        Dr. Norman Andonuts

Special lab report: Scans and further procedures on project Blaidd

After several brain scans took place, we concluded that there was no unusual activity or damage/trauma in the brain of Blaidd. This very much surprised all of the team including myself. I conversed with Locria and they informed me that the disturbance was that of the PSI fields and how they have special interactions with him.

Locria offered to cast healing spells on Blaidd, to which I agreed. They informed me that the spell was called “Healing omega” which is the strongest healing spell available to any PSI user. No visible changes occurred after the casting, yet Locria insisted that the disturbances they sensed had been cured.

Later that day we decided to awaken Blaidd again, this time with Locria in the room in case their powers would come in handy again. The procedure was successful and no attacks took place. Blaidd was certainly confused, tired and not quite fully awake, however he was definitely not animalistic as he was before. We supplied the NP-IV as well as food and drink drips to him and put him back to sleep so he can recover physical energy. We will allow him to wake on his own accord next time under constant supervision of Lil’ Miss Marshmallow.

Blaidd had a difficult time understanding what I was saying to him. Despite his drowsy tone, I picked up on an unusual accent that I had never heard before, however he spoke in English so it’s safe to assume that the barrier is in accent and not in language. We tested him on his smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch. His sense of smell and sound were unlike anything we have ever witnessed before in a positive sense; this is to be expected, with the kinds of modifications he has. All his other senses were either average or slightly deprived, assumingly because of his lacking energy state at the time. More sensual tests will take place after his further recovery.


Current status: Unconscious

Age: Early teenage; very early puberty

Height: Average

Weight: Below average

Sex: Male

Nationality: Has northern European features and unusual accent

Many exact statistics are impossible to gain at the moment due to current circumstances. These will be collected as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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