Chapter 2: Heist

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“Arright boys, i’m gon’ go check up on Lighter, don’t get up t’ any trouble.” Adjusting his hat and bandanna, Flint waits for a nod or a ‘yes’ from his two sons before leaving the little wooden cabin that is the Haul household. The place is feeling severely lacking without Hinawa, as if it is dying without being fed by her essence. The petals of the dwarf sunflowers upon the table are curling up and falling more for this time of year on this Wednesday midday, and the mother’s usual scent of oatmeal cookies and fresh morning dew is nowhere to be found. One would have thought that Hinawa’s spirit would have been kept alive in a way by the house she inhabited, but apparently not. To the Earth on its own, it’s almost like it doesn’t even acknowledge her existence at all… 
The young pair stay silent and still for a solid minute, before Claus shoots up and starts rummaging through all the drawers in the house. Wooden shirt buttons, washcloths, lucky bell that wards off evil influence… “Where is that thing-?!”
“What, dad’s dagger-? I think it’s on the chair over here…” Lucas gets up and pulls out one of the vacant oakwood chairs, and lo and behold! There is the shiny new dagger, with the blade sharpened to dangerously beautiful perfection. The handle is weighted and carved intricately with Tazmilian patterns and symbols to do with PSI and the dark dragon, stained nearly black. Lucas can’t help but gaze at this piece of art for a short while… However, his gaze is torn away quite literally for Claus takes the dagger out of his hands and inspects it himself.
“Nice work Luke! …Woah, is this thing pretty or what…” It seems our ginger friend has also found himself in a trance due to the pure mystic beauty of this weapon. Is it truly made to kill? Or just to be admired? Claus quickly snaps himself out of his pondering, refocusing his eyesight towards his twin. “Okay, let’s go.”
Lucas attempts to put on a brave face, but he only ends up making himself look even more terrified than before. He would be frozen in place, but the energies flowing through him right now won’t let him rest; they thaw his nerves and fill him with power beyond his wildest dreams. A firm nod and a crack of the knuckles is all Lucas replies with before the two start down the long road to Drago Plateau.

The Sunshine Forest is simply dry now, but with enough moisture in the air to keep it alive with life and magic. When they pass through here on their way to the dusty cliffs, the twins indulge in this fresh air, letting it fill them with more confidence and determination than ever before. This confidence is quickly shattered in poor Lucas as soon as the boys get far enough into the red mountains to not be able to see the little town of Tazmily anymore. Once you can’t see Tazmily, for Lucas, the world becomes a hostile and unknown territory rather than home.
“Claus, I’m not too sure about this anymore…” Trailing off his sentence, Lucas casts his gaze downwards and traces circles in the dust with his foot. He only does this to distract his racing thoughts and pounding heartbeat by directing such energies elsewhere. 
Claus shoots Lucas a look. This isn’t any ordinary expression though; his eyes burn holes into Lucas’s soul and his knitted brow sends daggers to his heart. “Waddya mean ‘not too sure’?! We’re going to save a drago, are ya worried we’re gonna hurt it or somethin’? Or that it’ll hurt us?!”
“Yes-! That’s exactly what worries me, Claus-! She attacked first ‘cause she felt threatened, so she’s gonna feel like that again if you come at her with a knife.”
“It’s a dagger, Lucas, and she’s not gonna feel threatened. I’m gonna be gentle with ‘er, make sure she’s calm before I do anything. Besides, she knows us better than any other humans! What could go wrong?”
“We could get hurt, she could get hurt- Gah, this is… it’s pointless, Claus, we’re not the kinda people that should be tryin’ t’ help her.”
“Fine!” He stomps upon shouting this, making a small cloud of dust billow up from the ground around his foot. “I’ll go by myself. You go home and… Look after the sheep, or somethin’.” Storming off down the path, Claus finds it hard to ignore his brother begging him to turn back and come home. For what seems like the billionth time this past week, Claus’ eyes have gotten glossy again, clouding his vision… “Ow, faen-!!” … Making him trip on a small rock and land hard on his hands and knees, scraping one to the point of bleeding. “Dritt dritt dritt… The last thing I needed…” He turns over and just sits there for a while, cursing at his injury as if the world owed him something for letting this happen. How could you be so careless, world?! Letting one of your favourite beings come to such peril, how dare thee!
Running to the redhead’s side, Lucas kneels down and rests his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Are you okay..?” Eyebrows knotting upward, his care is as clear as the skies. How gorgeous they are.
“Why are you still here-?! I told you t’ go home.” Claus sharply turns away, only to make his bleeding worse, causing him to hiss in pain as the crimson trickles down his leg. He hopes his eyes won’t have similar results. The blonde’s face becomes sterner, which ultimately shuts the ginger up for a short while. Nobody expects such looks from the ‘wimpy twin’.
“Keep still…” Closing his eyes and letting air fill his lungs slowly and steadily, Lucas concentrates the magical frequencies running through his body into his fingertips. Then, placing them on the fresh wound, he allows this energy to spark with soft and gentle green light, favouring the yellow side of the shade to make it adorably warm. It trickles out his fingers and seeps into Claus’s skin and flesh, transporting up his bloodstream and hurrying the platelets to seal his injury shut. By the time Lucas feels ready to remove his fingers, all that’s left on Claus’s knee is a new patch of supple skin.
“Lucas… I… You…” He sat there baffled for a short while, before shooting up enthusiastically, nearly carlesslesly knocking his brother over. He’s brimming with the energies that have been granted to him. “You! You can be the healer, of course!! I don’t have your cool power where you can make scrapes and stuff go away, so you can use this on mama drago if she accidentally gets hurt!”
Claus’s big cheesy smile rubs off on Lucas very easily. What wonders! He can prevent the thing he is so worried about for once! He does a little fist pump. “Yeah…! Yeah, I can do that! Let’s keep goin’.”

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