Eating for Two

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(1522 words)

Hasashi climbed the stairs up to his apartment holding the document in his hand. He passes by his neighbors, the Bakugo's, door and he could hear their newborn child raising hell with his wails. "I really hope Izuku isn't like that.", he thinks to himself as he unlocks the door to his house. Ever since Katsuki was born it seemed like a constant war was happening in their apartment. 

"I'm home!" he says into his apartment, and on the couch Inko gives him a smile. "Welcome home dear. How was work?" She asked, slowly getting up and walking towards him. As they exchange hugs Hisashi begins to talk about his day though doesn't talk about the villain attack. "No need to worry her unnecessarily." , he thinks to himself. When he's finished he shows her the form they need to fill out.

"Oh that's great!" Inko exclaims, giving him a smile that could melt a blizzard. "It'll be nice to have you home for a few weeks. Plus I luckily have an appointment tomorrow so we can get it signed there!" Hisashi smiles and gives her another hug and heads to the kitchen.

"Do you need me to cook something for dinner, or have you already eaten?" he asks while rummaging through the refrigerator. He hears chuckle and sit back on the couch "No dear, I waited for you before I ate dinner. If it's not a hassle, can you please cook some katsudon?"

He smiles and begins to take out the ingredients. As he cooks he looks towards Inko and notices her fast asleep. He chuckles quietly "I wish she would take care of herself a little better" he thinks as he begins steaming the rice. The apartment is silent except for the sounds of Hisashi's quiet cooking.

When he finishes, he prepares two plates and brings one towards Inko. Before he wakes he looks at her face and a flame escapes his mouth. "Just as beautiful as I remember." he thinks before waking Inko up. As she slowly wakes up he places the plates on the tables in front of them and sits next to her. "One katsudon for the lady." he says in a mock butler like voice.

Inko laughed and began eating her food. "Oh I love it when you cook." she mumbles in between bites. He smiles and starts eating his own food. Though Inko was a great cook as well she always preferred to eat food he'd cook. This never bothered Hisashi though as he loves to cook meals and see his wife enjoy them.

As they ate in silence, enjoying each other's company a loud wail can be heard from the other side of the wall, followed by quick footsteps and loud shushing. Inko and Hisashi look at each other and sigh. "You don't think our child will be like that do you?" Hisashi asks warily while picking up both of their empty plates. Inko softly giggled "I don't think so. I have a feeling that he will be a sweet boy. "Hisashi nods as Inko remembers something, "Oh! I've talked to Mitsuki and Masaru today and they look like their souls have left them."

He laughed with her as he washed the plates and utensils. Even though he didn't know Mitsuki as long as Inko did, it still surprised him about what Inko had said. "It's hard for me to believe that Mitsuki was like that. She seems like someone with enough energy to power a city." Inko laughed behind him and stood up. "I know right? I've known her since childhood and she's never been as tired as I've seen her. It makes me worry for how Masaru is."

When he put the dishes away the crying from Katsuki slowly died down, relieving both him and Inko. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep before he starts up again" Inko spoke through a yawn. Hisashi smiled and hugged her. "Okay then I'll be with you shortly. Just gonna check the news for tomorrow's weather." Inko nodded and began shuffling towards their bedroom.

When she closed the door a flame could be seen as Hisashi sighed. "Inko's been getting more and more tired by the day.", he thinks as he sits on the couch. He reaches for the remote to turn on the T.V but a knock at the door interrupts him. "Who could that be?" he wondered as he opened the door to reveal a very tired and apologetic Masaru Katsuki. He had sunken eyes and looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Crap Inko wasn't kidding about their looks." Hisashi thinks as Masaru bows. "I apologize for the commotion this evening." Masaru muttered in a tired voice. Hisashi quickly forgives him and asks him to stop bowing. "Don't worry about it man, I'm sure there's nothing you can do to stop him." Masaru only nods and begins to shamble like a zombie towards his apartment.

Though he didn't know Mitsuki for too long he has known Masaru since high school and became good friends with him. In fact, Masaru was one of the few people he liked to be around. "Hey Masaru." Hisashi speaks up, stopping him. "I have some beer in the fridge and the day off tomorrow. Wanna come over for a minute to take a break and talk?" Masaru looks at him in surprise but quietly accepts.

"Just don't let Mitsuki know or she'll kill me." Masaru responds as he walks by Hisashi. He sits on the couch while Hisashi grabs some beer from the fridge. Though Inko didn't like alcohol, she still lets him drink it as long as it was in moderation. He gives a bottle to Masaru and sit's on the couch. "So besides the constant crying..." Hisashi begins, opening up his bottle, "what's it like having a kid?" 

Masaru sighs and drinks from his bottle. "Honestly it's very tiring and stressful. Neither me nor Mitsuki knows when Katsuki will explode and when he does it drives us both insane.", he explains as he laughs shakily, "There are even days when I wish he would just disappear to give us some peace, but..." He stops as he takes another swig from his bottle. Hisashi looks at him and sees a small smile form on his friend's face. "In the moments when everything is quiet and we see our little Katsuki peacefully sleeping I always feel like it was worth it. I don't ever think I could dislike him."

As he finished Hisashi nodded and held his bottle to Masaru, "Cheers to that man.", he says with a smile. Masaru looks at him and smiles back somberly. "Yeah, cheers" A small clink could be heard and they both drank. They then both began discussing their day and how their work was going. Eventually they both agree it was late and Masaru went to his apartment.

When Hisashi was about to close the door Masaru stopped him. His face seemed to have regained dome of his color and his eyes seemed more alive. "Hey wait, Hisashi! I have something to say." Hisashi then opened the door and Masaru bow slightly. "Thank you for your hospitality. It was nice to be able to relax with you." Hisashi only chuckled, "Don't worry about that man. That's what friends are for. You come over anytime you...."

He stopped as a bloodthirsty aura peaked from Masaru's house. "Oh Masaru..." said the voice freezing Masaru in place, "I go through hell to put Katsuki to sleep and this is what your doing?" The door opens and reveals a very tired and pissed Mitsuki. Hisashi gulps then hurries to close the door. "Well it was nice talking to you Masaru but I have things to do!" As he closes the door he sees a look of betrayal on Masaru's face. He could feel Masaru's despair as his wife slowly approaches him.

He closes the door, shuddering at what Mitsuki would do and walks to the bedroom. He changes into shorts and a t-shirt and gets in bed with Inko. Though he's just survived a near death experience ,Inko's slow methodical breathing calms him down enough to sleep. 

As he sleeps he dreams about a small green headed boy crying at what looks like a doctors office. 

Author note:

Hello again readers! How did you like the dynamic I've made with Hisashi and Inko/Masaru? I've always felt that Masaru doesn't get as much spotlight as his more outspoken wife. I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out and can't wait to write more for this story. I can't give promises much, but next chapter should either have Izuku being born or getting very close to it.

Like I said in the last chapter I shortened up this chapter but I'm curious to know what ya'll think. It's harder for me to write long chapters but I can fit more in there. Please let me know in the comments as well as any critiques. I leave you with this chapter for a while so see ya'll  next time. And remember to go on... PLUS ULTRA!

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