Plans For the Future

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Warning: Strong Language, and child endangerment. (2438 words)

It was right after lunch break when he heard someone call his name. "Hisashi!", yelled the secretary, Motoi, from the front of the office "Boss needs to see you in her office and be quick! It sounds like it's something important!"

Midoriya Hisashi closes his eyes while a small puff of fire escapes his mouth as he sighs. He opens his tired eyes and looks at the multiple pieces of paper haphazardly strewn across his desk. He knew he still had a few more days of paperwork to go through before his workload would decrease. He slowly got up, wincing at the sharp pains forming in his lower back.

"I need to take a sick day." He thought to himself "With Inko nearing her due date I really need to be there with her." He walks over to the secretary and waits for her cue to walk into the office. As he walks over, the secretary notices him and presses a button on her desk.

"Sir, Hisashi is here to speak with you." After a few seconds have passed a small speaker next to the button replies "Excellent, send him in right away." and an audible click could be heard from the door to the office. The woman nods and looks at Hisashi, motioning with her hands to go in. "Oh and try to not sigh." the secretary says, "Your quirk shows when you do that."

"Trust me lady. If I could control it I would." he thinks as he nods and silently preps himself, "Okay Hisashi there's nothing to be worried about. It's probably just a check-in about work." A small green flame escapes his mouth as he sighs again and opens the door to his manager's office.

 The office was small and modest containing only a desk, three chairs, and a small variety of different pictures adorning the walls. As he walks in, the one who called him looks at him from her desk  with a smile. "Ah Mr. Hisashi please come in and have a seat. We have some very important business to discuss.", she greets him while motioning towards the two chairs in front of him.

Hisashi gulps silently and takes a seat. "Oh crap this can't be good, this isn't how check-in's start." His boss was well known in the office for being incredibly hard to read and would constantly misdirect her employees from knowing what she would say. He was the only one who could tangibly get a read on her due to his sharp eye but results varied. He looks at her to try to get any kind of reaction or tell but she only gives him a soft smile.

"Now Mr. Hisashi, I understand that your wife is close to her due date, am I correct?" Hisashi blinks in surprise at the sudden comment. He didn't like people prying into his life so he didn't tell many people about his wife, much less about his child "Um...that is correct ma'am she is due in a few days. May I ask how you know this?"

She only quietly laughs, "I met your wife at the store recently and had a chat with her, but we're not here to discuss our private lives, only business." He nods as she begins her speech,

"Now as you know, policy requires that I allow you to be with your family for the day of birth, and one month after said child is born. However, this is only done when confirmation of the due date is made with the correct people." He slightly frowns at this as she explains, "This is to ensure that we can properly plan what work goes where while you're gone and to keep you from stealing extra days off."

As he absorbs this information he hears her open a drawer and pull out a piece of paper. "Since you have the day off tomorrow I need you and your wife to go to your doctor and fill out this form." She hands him a piece of paper and closes the drawer "Once you have this filled out, bring it to me when you come in for work so we can make a plan for your next few days here."

"Yes ma'am. I'll get it done as quickly as I can" Hisashi replies as she finishes her explanation. "Oh thank god it's over", he thinks as he begins to get up and walk to the door "Now all I have to do is finish up today and I can finally get out of this hellhole." He grabs the door handle and begins to open it until she calls to him.

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