A Day Off

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Sentences ending with a " * " indicate something that will be explained in the A/N at them bottom. (1861 words)

In his dream, he could see two people in a small room. From the diagrams framed on the walls and the medical equipment strewn about he assumed that he was in a doctors office. The first person was a very worried looking Inko as she stared at the second one. He didn't recognize the small greenhead child sitting next to her but what worried him was the child's face.

His face looked frozen in place as if he was trapped in time and the look in his eyes was downright disheartening. He could see a flurry of emotions through those eyes ranging from shock, and confusion to sadness, and fear. "Inko! What's going on here?" he yelled trying to get her attention but was seemingly ignored.

"Crap what the hell is this?" he wondered as he looked around him, finally noticing a third man in the room. He was short of stature with a big moustache to compensate for his bald head. He looked at what he assumed to be a doctor and saw him sigh. "I'm very sorry about this ma'am but after the test we've done, my colleagues and I can only say that your son is quirkless."

Hisashi blinks in surprise and turns to Inko and the kid and sees him slowly tear up. He looks at Inko but only sees sadness in her eyes at the news. Just as he's about to go to the kid to comfort him, Inko hugs the kid and whispers into his ear just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm so sorry Izuku." Hisashi freezes in place as he realizes who the kid is. But before he could do anything the blare of his alarm clock fractures his dream.

Hisashi's eyes slowly open as he awakes in his bed, his alarm still blaring next to him. He quickly turns it off and gets out of bed to reorientate himself. "What kind of dream was that?" He wondered as he began switching his clothes to jeans and a T-shirt. "Morning Hisashi." Inko mumbles as she begins to get up as well, "How did you sleep?"

Hisashi looks at Inko and wonders if she should tell her. One one hand it was just some silly dream so it couldn't be real. Plus he has a fire breathing quirk so there's no way he saw the future. On the other hand it might make Inko more worried than she needs to be. In the end he decided against it and gave her a simple answer.

She smiled at him and began getting dressed herself. "The doctor's appointment is at 10:30 so let's have breakfast and do some shopping since we have some time." Hisashi nods and looks at the time. "7:30 huh? Well we definitely have time for shopping."

As Inko gets dressed Hisashi goes to the kitchen and prepares to make some pancakes. When Inko is dressed they begin eating and discuss what they need to get at the store. As they talk, the memory of that dream slowly fades from his mind. When they are done and Hisashi puts the plates away they both head out to enjoy their day together.

After grabbing groceries for the next few days they boarded the train to head to the other side of Musutafu where her appointment was located. "Hey Inko, why do you have your appointments so far from where we live? Aren't there some closer clinics we could have gone to?" He never liked the idea of Inko going so far from the house and the hostage situation yesterday only made him more nervous. But every time he brought it up she had always just waved him off.

Inko just looked at him and giggled. "It's so cute seeing you worry about me, you know?" At that, Hisashi felt his face warm up and he looked away. "I'm just worried about the villains running around, you know? This area doesn't have as much of a hero presence as the place where we live."

Inko nodded in agreement and patted him on the back. "I know you're worried but Mitsuki suggested this doctor herself." Hisashi sighed as the explanation made sense. "Besides..." Inko began while squeezing his arm, "If a villain appears I have you to take care of me."

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