Yeah so... I've noticed quite a few people have taken on the "Twenty Five Letters a Day" challenge and have decided that I'm going to try it. However, instead of writing "Letters" to people I will be writing "poems." Now, they will, in essence, be a letter but in poetic form because, to be honest, I'm shit at writing letters. I can't write to something that exists in a straight foreward type of matter without a definite answer back. I keep journals, but only to make doodles, cartoons, sketches, poems, short stories, story exerpts and so forth. I can't keep a log, diary, or whatever you call it sooo... yeah. I also find it much easier to write something on a deadline if I have some poetic or rhythmatic structure so I think that these being poems instead of letters would make them a little more... me. Not to mention people seem to like my poetry more than anything else (which I don't mind at all, I'm pleased in having some sort of focus for my wonderful fans ^.^)
P.S. Don't expect me to make the dead line. I detest deadlines (that's why there's a "dead" in front of it.)