Chapter 02

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[Author's POV]

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[Author's POV]

Jia woke up from her light slumber by a voice calling her and shaking her shoulder lightly. She opens her eyes and rubbed them before looking at her mother who was looking back at her, smiling.

J/m - Get up cherry, we are here.

Jia yawned a little, nodded, and open her side of the car door, got out and went and stood beside her mother. The driver, after putting all the luggage inside the living room went away and they both stood there looking at the living room with a smile on both of their faces.

Jia wanted to explore the place but she knew her mother would not allow her to go at night, especially after 12 so when her mother told her to get some rest she yawn very loudly and sleepily went inside her room. She enter her room and lock it from inside and waited for her mother to fall asleep. She knew her mother was a heavy sleeper and at night it always becomes impossible to wake her up after she falls asleep. While waiting, she took a nice and quick shower and change her previous clothes to a black hoodie and black jeans, with her hair in a high ponytail.

It didn't took long for her mother to turn off the lights of the living room and soon she heard the door of her mother's room shut up. Jia quickly wore her mask and put the glasses she always put whenever she went exploring at night and a pocket knife she started to carry after coming to New York. She quickly but quietly without making any noise - yes, her mother is a heavy sleeper but she doesn't want to take any risk - come downstairs and wear her shoes and again went upstairs to her room.

But before going she kept her ear over her mother's door for a while to see if she's awake or not and she sighed in relief when she heard a faint snoring sound. She went to her room and open the big window beside her bed. Their new house was not very high and was very easy to jump down. Jia grabbed the half-eaten chocolate bar kept on her nightstand table, her phone, and her earphones and jumps out of the window.

[Time skip]
[Still author's POV]
The roads were silent and still. Except for a few people, there was no one. The cool light night breeze was hitting Jia in the face, but she wasn't complaining. It was quite refreshing. She was listening to her favorite hindi song "tum se hi" and was humming the tune softly when she suddenly heard a scream.

She stopped in her tracks and turn to look for the source of the scream. She saw a dark alley and sighed. She knew she couldn't do anything for the person, as she didn't want anyone to know about it and was about to walk away from there when yet another scream reaches her ears and she stops in her tracks, again.

She again looks at the alley, contemplating if she should check or not. She stood there for a long time before sighing and went into the alley following the screaming sounds, in search of the person. She was walking through the alley without making any noise when she heard someone's voice from the other side. She turns to her left and went there.

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