Chapter 13

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[A/n POV] As the boys get into their cars to drive towards the base Namjoon suddenly remembered something which caused him to turn to look over at Yoongi who was busy working on his tablet and said

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[A/n POV]
As the boys get into their cars to drive towards the base Namjoon suddenly remembered something which caused him to turn to look over at Yoongi who was busy working on his tablet and said

Namjoon - Hyung about our ---

Yoongi - Invitation cards? Already working on it. By the time we arrive at the base, our invitation cards will be right here.

Namjoon nodded hearing him and turn around to face Seokjin and then said

Namjoon - And Jin hyung I want you to be incharge of the groups that will be escorting the girls out.

Seokjin - Me? Wouldn't you be there ---

Namjoon - I will be there but I will be distracting the guards away with the others and I'm sure the girls will listen to someone who has a motherly vibe surrounding him.

Seokjin look down at his lap after hearing Namjoon which caused him to sigh and said

Namjoon - I know hyung you are worried but don't be. I know you will be able to handle the groups perfectly.

Hearing him Seokjin smile and with a newfound confidence nodded, indicating that he agreed to his role.

Soon the boys entered their hidden base and walk towards where the two groups, Treasure and TXT, were waiting for them. Asahi who was standing while looking at a portrait of nature when notice Yoongi, informed the others about their presence causing everyone of them to turn towards BTS.

Namjoon step forward causing the leaders of the other two gangs to come forward as well, Hyunsuk & Jihoon and Soobin.

Namjoon - Sorry to call you boys to the base so suddenly but the mission needs to be finished as quickly as possible because the lives of many women and small girls are at stake.

Jihoon - We understand hyung, just tell us what we need to help you with.

Namjoon smile seeing the determination in their friends' eyes and said

Namjoon - Okay then teams let's discuss the plan.

With that the three teams walk towards the conference room and entered inside, taking their respective seats.

Namjoon got up from his seat after signalling something to Yoongi which made the male to get his laptop, which was placed there from beforehand, and started to type something.

Namjoon - The reason I called you both teams today is because we have to rescue ---

Yoongi - 560 girls.

Namjoon - Thank you hyung. Yes, we have to rescue 560 girls who are held hostage in 24th and 25th floors of the Golden Holm Palace and has been awaiting to be sell at a auction which is going to be held in the 21st floor. Right now we can assume that they all are put into four groups and is being kept tied in rooms 210, 211, 215 and 216 with ten guards alloted to each floor and four guards alloted to each room and not to mention there will be many guards in the hall as well. So dad have asked us all to get those girls to safety in any way possible but I want to add something to the plan as well.

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