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i. live alone, move to the countryside

The sounds of the birds chirping and the touch of the light grass on your feet. You were calmed and relieved to be spending your days alone with nature.

You were far from tall buildings and technology. You were far away from everything that you had once experienced in the past to become a memory. You had only been living the best of your life without having to worry about anything.

You grew your own crops and you lived and loved a traditional life. Knowing that Tommy was now the new CEO of RE;LIFE, you tried not to remember too much of everyone to not burden yourself with worries and had only focused on the present where as it will create you future.

The flowers you watered were fully grown beautifully nd you settled the water can down onto a small bench.

You walked back into your cottage and poured the tea from the hot steaming pot that was once on your stove.

You sat down, lookibg outsude at the window.

At times, you certainly do felt lonely but this had also felt like the best decision for your own self growth and self love.

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