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You were fighting a rising panic as your heart had leaped into your throat. How uneasy was it for the poor (Y/N). You surely felt your life had crumbled down over digging up a rabbit hole by your own while being immersed by your own stupidity let alone curiosity.

Whatever it was, faults in the site's systems were rapidly taking over your device as codes of red glowing numbers was the only thing left at sight through your phone, making it difficult to troubleshoot. You didn't know if you could consider yourself lucky at all after successfully shutting your device off, draining every power it had left was a great relief or a more worrisome addition to your problem.

The uneasiness crawled up from your stomach onto your chest further as you tried to grasp onto what happened. You don't need anyone to tell you anything, you just knew that somehow- things are about to turn even worse.

"Oh god- what the fuck just happened?"

As confusing and worrisome as it already was for you, you kept scolding yourself continuously which had later got your pulling onto your own hair as that confusion and worry had not long turned into regret and frustrations.

Knowing that it had already happened, What more could you do? The least action you could take was only to hope nothing bad will impact your current life worse than what you imagined.

Besides, what's the worry? The problem only happened virtually. If you don't go back to that so widely yet mysteriously known site by the name RE:LIFE or anything that is associated with it, then you would have no problem living your life- right?

While knowing it was difficult to replace one's thoughts with a rather more positive one, your heart continued to pound ever so loudly but I guess, you had at least tried and grabbed all your thoughts together once more despite it still currently being cloudy with a chance of lightning strikes.

And so, you couldn't doubt that you needed some fresh air since staying at home all day doesn't seem to be the nicest approach to control your anxiety. You then stood up from your living room couch to grab a coat hung by the hanger and walked out of your house's door as you wore your coat hastily.

Your house was located on the side of a busy street filled with red lights displayed everywhere and transportations queuing in a traffic jam. You would admit that this was not the best or rather yet an ideal location to be living in but you managed to find it tolerable from your time being.

As you walked further away from your house, the raging sound of the loud cars and busses on the busy street had no longer grabbed your attention but instead it was captured by a certainly immense crowd of people standing by the front of a specific white building bordered with neon blue lights.

"What's going on there?" You muttered the question out from your lips in sync to your thoughts as your curiosity dared to lead you closer towards it.

You couldn't get yourself a sight of what was held in front of the people as many of them were blocking your view so you slipped past the people in it as much as you can and luckily you were able to get onto the front row.

As lucky as you thought you were to get a good view at what was happening, you eyes were able to spot a man wearing a white lab coat standing by the side of what seems to be a tall figure covered by a red silky cloth.

Your eyes were already glued to the intriguing scene as the man grabbed a microphone and spoke in front of the crowd.

"Greetings to everyone!" The man said with a smile on his face, capturing the eyes of everyone even further by his voice.

"I know you may all be anticipated about what is to be presented but wait no more! Today, I am greatly honored to officially announce that our newest creation will be released to all."

Without further words, his hands grabbed onto the red silky fabric cloth covering whatever was beneath it and proudly took it off from the tall figure and there he beheld one that had truly shown a start of what there was for both humanity and technology..

Created: 10 November 2020
Edited: 16 April 2021
Edited by @hanamocha

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