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Once again, everything felt as if it was happening so fast. If you were able to describe it, it felt as if the changes in your life are having a race with time. There is no second where everything isn't happening to which at this moment, you don't even know how to react or feel towards certain things anymore.

Should you be fearing? Should you be enraged?

"I think we have to go now, Wilbur might be waiting for us." Tubbo informed with a slight rush in his words.

"Okay, hold up, how am I sure what you're saying is true? You both literally just froze a second ago as if a wizard cursed you or something." You argued.

"We have an implanted communicator inside our heads." Tommy said equally yet more frankly rushed than his friend was with his words as he dragged you out of the room without letting a thought of yours go through your mind from his reply.

The three of you were running through the hallways. Tommy kept pushing objects away from his sight as he continued to drag you but ironically, Tubbo, who tailed behind the two of you had seemed to be the one who was quite concerned about the blonde's reckless actions.

As worrisome as he was over the future consequences Tommy might bring them, he parted his lips to speak with the feel of nervousness being visible from his tone of voice.

"U-uh, Tommy," He called his friend out with a stutter.

"are you sure no one's going to be mad at us for breaking some uh- vital objects?"

Tommy didn't bat an eye at his friend as he kept dragging you with him to the location of━ on second thought, where are you going? Ah, it doesn't matter since this isn't some kind of 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' anyway.

"We don't have time to talk about that right now, Tubbo. Wilbur needs us and this might be really important." The blonde boy responded, clearly focused on his task to bring you to the man you wished not to say his name.

The two finally stopped at their tracks, forcing you to stop at your feet in sync as well and right before them stood a tall door.

'Aha, oh no, I hate this so much. But look at the bright side? Maybe I get to kick his face down when we meet.' You thought to yourself and somehow letting a small smile creep onto your face at the thought of it.

While slowly consuming yourself into your thoughts with a little bit of joy, Tommy pressed one of his hands onto a wall located beside the tall door and there, a bright neon blue light traced the shape of his outer hand.

'Maybe I could even have fun beating the shit out of him. Besides, what does he even have?'

Your thoughts continued as you started to feel rather excited to have this opportunity in meeting with the man who caused such an upside down turn in your life by bringing you here against your will or acknowledgement.

Tommy proceeded to detached his hand from the wall and the tall door slowly opened, revealing the familiar brunette with wavy hair, Wilbur and the mysterious masked figure, Dream, who now wore a long green coat which stopped right above his feet.

The joy and excitement that was once danced around in your heart with expectations sunk into the acid of dismay as you've realized what was presented in your current reality.

'Aha, but did I forget to mention if I did that a psycho A.I will murder me in cold blood?'

The two standing figures were facing away before the two young boys stepped inside the room and Wilbur had noticed the sound of their footsteps, making him turn around to face them to which Dream did so too not long after but the only person he landed his eyes on were you.

"Tommy and Tubbo, thank you for helping me bring (Y/N) here." He said to them with a smile.

"Just doing our job." Tommy said with a proud grin.

'And by doing your job, you meant kidnapping people.' You mentally scoffed at them.

You rolled your eyes at them before pursuing to glare daggers at Wilbur to which he found amusing as he glanced at you with a smirk then proceeded to look back at the two boys standing before him.

"Tubbo, Tommy, If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you to leave us alone for a moment please. We have very important matters to discuss privately." Wilbur stated to which sounded more of a demand and Tommy frowned at his words.

"Butbut why? Why do you always make individual decisions? What about that green bastard? Why does he get to stay?" Tommy argued as his hand directed at Dream who pulled his eyes away from you immediately after but he didn't bother to leave a glance at him.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy," Wilbur said as he shakes his head side to side at his typical clingy attitude.

He laid one of his hands onto Tommy's shoulder as his eyes stared at him with a serious gaze and an insane smile plastered across his face. An unsettling atmosphere formed around him which caused the boy's eyes to widen.

You, who should have turned away from the scene couldn't help but glanced at them in curiosity and as expected, you aren't sure how to feel about this and you certainly can't imagine being in the blonde's shoes.

Hah, and you thought you could take him on alone not so long ago.

"Tommy," Wilbur called softly with that insane eyes of his haunting the boy.

"I need this time to discuss important matters as I finish up the files.. so if you and Tubbo could lend me a hand by leaving us three alone then that would be very appreciated." Wilbur said.

As disappointed as the boy, he quickly nodded at him and turned around as Tubbo tailed him from behind and left.

Wilbur then proceeded to turn to you which left shivers down your spine as your breath hitched in sync.

"Scared?" He spoke as his insane smile morphed into the same mischievous smirk you remembered at your first encounter with him.

You shifted your head to him as you rolled your eyes with clear annoyance displayed on your face. The fear that you once felt was replaced by irritation.

"You better fucking explain this shit, asshole, or you're dead meat." You threatened him and he chuckled in amusement.

"Bold of you to say despite knowing you're in a predator's territory." Wilbur responded as he walked closer towards you.

"But If that's what you want then let's just get down to business."

Created on 12 November 2021
Edited on 22 April 2021
Edited by @hanamocha

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