The lunch

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We both walked out of my room and decided to visit the Potter's for lunch. She was looking happy.
And I was the reason why!
I also felt happy not just for a moment but really happy.
We knocked on Potter's House, A teenage boy opened it, my nephew Teddy.
He looked at me and grinned and shouted, to Ginny who was preparing food.
We came inside and saw three kids sitting and watching a quidditch match, They are Harry's kids, James, Albus and Lily. Lily looked up at me and tried to mumble something. She is only 4 so she isn't good at speaking but she squeezed my hand and hugged me and Y/N. Everyone started to look at us and grin. We both went red. Ginny saw that and shouted, " lunch is ready so get up and come to the dinning room".
We all sat down at the table and every one looked at us.
Harry asked, " so how are you both?"
Y/N replied," we're good thanks."
Ginny smiled and asked, " would you like to have lunch at the picnic table outside with me and mione?"
At first y/n was hesitant but she looked at me and I gave her a smile. She went off with Ginny.
They both were giggling I don't know for what reason.
Harry and Ron were staring at me. So I asked " what is it? Do you want to ask me something?"
Harry smiled and said, " yes actually we want details of your relationship".
I felt my self getting red, I replied with " later pal, kids are here".
Scorpio and Albus were chatting away so I guess they didn't hear Harry's question but James, Teddy and Lily did and they were giggling.
We ate our lunch discussing quidditch and how we all were back in the day.
James was supposed to go Hogwarts after a two years. I hope he turns out to be Slytherin so I can smother it in Harry's face!
Authors note
I can't think of a lot rn but I still know how I want this story so umm yeah-.
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