Chapter 10 What!

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She awoke Monday morning to the daily grind for school. She showered, dressed, brushed her teeth, ate and was picked up by Jason on the curb. When she walked through the school gates, she was no longer a non-existent, she would have ranked herself about mid popular. She felt confident as she strode to her locker. Jason pecked her before going to his one. She was walking towards her locker when she saw Jenna. Instantly a flood or anger flowed through her body but then stopped when she saw her face. “What happened to her,” she thought. She looked on as a pale faced Jenna with red rimmed eyes and sunken cheek made her way to her locker. At once a feeling of guilt enveloped her. She gazed as Jenna retrieved her books from her locker and then move away like a zombie. Before she knew what she was doing Jane was following her. She had just made it past the water fountain when she ran smack unto a crowd of students. “Gosh!” she cried. She stared at them and then followed. She wove past the lockers and avoided colliding with a door before she reached. She clambered down the steps and tried to get a peek of what was happening.

“Hey what’s going on?” she cried. Everyone was jumping and waving to see what she could not. She tried pushing herself forward and almost got shoved on the floor. She finally hung back and contented herself with the students’ cheers. Suddenly the crowd erupted in screams. She gasped as she was thrown forward through the throb of the crowd. She had just balanced herself when she was pushed to the ground. She felt the breath being knocked out of her. She scrambled and grabbed onto the railing that surrounded the school’s entrance. “Uhhh!” she cried and weaved around the crowd till she had reached one of the school’s stone benches. She looked past the shrubs and tried to see unsuccessfully. She climbed unto the bench and stared. She gazed in horror at the site that greeted her eyes.

There stood a person she thought that she would never see again. “No!” she thought.

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