Chapter 37 Orrin

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Drew walked on his paws barely making noise against the ground. He shook his head and then started to shift. In a matter of minutes he was pulling on his pants. He walked on past the bushes and then out the trees. He scanned the area and sighted Jenna. She jumped off the railing when she saw him and started to walk towards him. He resisted the urge to look back at the forest and continued on. “Well,” she said. He shook his head and looked at the ground. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “But I could swear I herd something,” Jenna persisted. Drew sighed. “I thought so too but no luck,” he said. Jenna sighed and the tugged his arm. “Well we have no choice, we might as well go and tell Ms. Daisy,” she said. He nodded and they walked to the front of the school. They made a last check in the hall that was now devoid of the populars and then made their way to Drew’s car.

            Jenna sat down and waited as Dew stared the car and drove off. They drove on in silence. When they arrived in front of Jane’s house Drew cut the engine. Jenna took a deep breath and then started to get out. “Hey,” Drew said and pulled her back. She gazed up at him. “It’s going to be ok,” he said. She managed a weak smile and then spoke. “Thanks,” she said. They got out and walked towards the gate. Drew gripped her hand and then rang the buzzer. The door opened after about a minute and Ms. Daisy emerged. She aimed something at them and instantly the gates started to open. They stepped into the yard and then proceeded up the porch steps. It was only when they had reached the top did Jenna notice that Drew did not have on his armour. “Not now,” she thought and blushed. She stepped forward and then looked at Ms. Daisy. “Ms. Daisy,” she began, “I’m sorry.” Her eyes dropped to the ground as she waited for Ms. Daisy to reply. There was a silent moment before Ms. Daisy spoke. “Jenna I know that you tried your best, both you and your friend,” Jenna blushed. “But I still have to make the call,” she finished. Jenna nodded.

            “You can come on in,” Ms. Daisy continued, “I make some hot chocolate,” she said. Jenna nodded and entered the room where Ms. Daisy had ushered them into. Jenna took a seat besides Drew on the sofa while Ms. Daisy went towards the kitchen. Jenna looked after her. “Why Jane, why?” she thought. Ms. Daisy entered the kitchen and made for the wall phone. She dialled his number and then waited. Two rings passed before he finally answered. “Hello,” he said. “Hello,” Ms. Daisy said, “Orrin we have a problem.” The line went silent. “What?” he asked. “Jane’s missing.”

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