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I'm Meliodas Drake.a 17 year old and a senior at Sins Academy.i have bad eye sight so I wear glasses

I'm a straight A student and....I'm called a nerd at least every minute no matter where I go and I'm bullied everyday

I've been bullied since kindergarten while my twin brother was known as the "cool kid" in school and I'm just the nerd in his shadow

I'm the oldest by a half hour but still,I'm the nerd in his brother's shadow

Zeldris always had friends while no one even wanted to talk or look at me.i envy Zeldris

He's always treated special while I was treated like shit.i remember the first day of kindergarten when Zel and I first started there

Only our first day and I was already called a nerd.Zel defended me all the time

He even wanted me to hangout with him and his friends but I always declined cause I knew I'd just be a burden

We both had long hair and I'd always get mistaken for a girl while Zeldris didn't.we both wore glasses but I was always called a nerd

(Zeldris of course)


When we both started middle school,I left my hair how it is and Zeldris had cut his hair and uses hair gel

Even during middle school I still couldn't make any friends.i realized that just on the first day of middle school

During those 4 years of middle school,I remained alone and bullied while Zeldris was always there for me.i couldn't even get a girlfriend

I got tired of him always protecting me and I knew deep down that he was getting tired of protecting me even if he doesn't show it

"He's only doing it out of pity" is what I tell myself everyday

Estarossa was in 6th grade and he always told Zel how I felt about him always protecting me but Zeldris would just smile and say that I'm his brother and brothers should always be there for each other

To me it sounded like he didn't mean it but I knew in my seven hearts that he did

Even Estarossa was bullied and I'd always hear some kids say that cause he's my little brother,he also deserves to get bullied

I protected him of course but in the end I'd get bullied as well.when Zel and I started our first year at Sins Academy,everyone already liked him while I was hated and bullied

I never fought back in kindergarten or middle school since I'm a demon and the Demon King's son but no one is allowed to know that

At Sins Academy,all races are allowed but Zel and I never said what our races were and we never used our powers

During that first day of high school,
a group of kids came to me and was really nice to me and wanted me to be friends with them but I knew that they were being fake

I avoided them all the time.even when I got bullied,they were there protecting me and I'd just tell them to leave me alone,but they never listened

I forgot to mention that I also have a little sister named Isabella who is now in 7th grade.she has white long hair that reaches her waist and blue eyes

I'm a senior now and I hope the bullying stops...

(New book you guys!😆 Hope you enjoy it)

Rebel Out~

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