Chapter 6

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Meliodas' Pov

For the next 3 days,I picked Elizabeth up every morning and we also walked home together

Even if I tried to forget about the feelings I have for her,they just grew stronger these past few days

"Alright class,tomorrow is the big day.
the principal has allowed the entire school to dress up tomorrow.and also,
no work for tomorrow since all the 12th grade classes will be singing and a winner will be don't have to bring your bags to school tomorrow" Sir Lust said

We can wear a new look for tomorrow huh? I wonder what I should wear

After I dropped Elizabeth off by her house,I walked to mine.i met Elizabeth's dad on Wednesday and he likes me alot

If I ask Elizabeth out then I'm pretty sure he'll be happy

"Hey Meli,can I borrow a pair of your contact lenses for tomorrow?" Zel asked

"Sure" I answered

"Why do you wanna borrow a pair?" I asked

"I'm getting tired of wearing my glasses" he answered with a sigh

"I wanna know what it's like to wear contact lenses" he said

"It hurts your eyes a bit but you'll get used to it" I chuckled

"You can get the contact lenses tomorrow" I said and went upstairs to my room

I looked through my closet for a few minutes till I found just what I wanted to wear for tomorrow

After showering and doing my homework,I heard my parents came back from the business trip so I went downstairs to greet them

"How was the business trip?" I asked

"It was okay.we wanted to get things done quickly so we could see the two of you perform tomorrow" Mom answered with a smile

"Just don't make our ears bleed tomorrow" dad chuckled

I just laughed and went back to my room.i watched some movies and started thinking about tomorrow

I've never sing or rapper'll be my first time tomorrow.i don't even know if I can sing or rap at all

(So sorry for this short chapter and also,I apologize for not updating for 4 or 5 starting exams soon so I won't be able to update much)

Rebel Out~

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