Chapter 8

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Meliodas' Pov

Usually when I wake up,I'm still a bit tired but today was different.this time,I woke up fully I was excited about something

Then it hit me,my date with Elizabeth started to get hot so I sat up and fanned my face with my hand

What the hell is going on? I was feeling fine when I woke up and then suddenly it gets hot

I put on my glasses,got out of bed and walked to my mirror and saw that my face was red....I was blushing!?

Why am I blushing? I never blush! Unless.....ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!

Well now I'm nervous about tonight


I checked the time and it was 7:30pm

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I checked the time and it was 7:30pm.i put in my contact lenses and earrings before leaving with my dad's car keys and a bouquet of red roses

i put in my contact lenses and earrings before leaving with my dad's car keys and a bouquet of red roses

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I drove to Elizabeth's place and parked the car and honked the horn to let her know I'm here

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I drove to Elizabeth's place and parked the car and honked the horn to let her know I'm here

I got out of the car and went to the front door with the bouquet in my hands

The door opened to reveal Baltral, Margaret,Veronica and Elizabeth

The door opened to reveal Baltral, Margaret,Veronica and Elizabeth

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She looked an angel.she blushed when she saw me and smiled at me

I returned the smile and gave her the roses

"They're beautiful,thank you" she said sweetly with that beautiful smile of hers

"Have fun and bring her back by 10" Baltral said with a smile

"Sir yes sir" I saluted and chuckled

Margaret took the roses from Elizabeth and then Elizabeth and I got in the car and I drove us to the cinema

I let her choose the movie and she chose 'Crazy Rich Asians'.after we watched the movie,I took her to the gardens and it was a perfect night to go there

The moonlight shining her silver hair.
she looked like an angel in the moonlight

We just talked about random things while walking around the gardens

I guess now's the time to tell her how I goes nothing

"Hey Elizabeth,there's something I have to tell you" I said

"What is it?" She asked

I sighed and stopped in my tracks.she stopped as well and I didn't look at her

"Elizabeth....I like you" I answered

"Wh-what?" She stuttered

"I've liked you since the start of the year when you talked to me and sat next to were the only one to come up to grateful" I explained and turned around and smiled at her

Her face was as red as blood and she looked like she was gonna faint

"Meliodas...." She muttered

"You're an amazing girl Elizabeth.
you're not like the other girls at school which makes you really special to me" I said with a smile

"I know you like me Elizabeth" I said

"Wh-what!?" She squeaked

"Zel told me.he also told me about what happened to you in 7th really sorry that,that had happened to must've traumatized you so bad that you were scared of all guys.
and another thing,Zel told me you felt safe around me" I said

"Why do you feel safe around me? Is it cause I don't let other guys come near you?" I asked

All she did was nod and stared at the ground

"Elizabeth,you probably only like me cause I changed one liked me when I still had long hair and wore glasses until I changed myself" I sighed

"That's not true!" She squeaked

"I've liked you since 8th grade when you helped me when I fell.the times when I wanted to go up to you and talk to you but I couldn't do it cause of how shy I was never easy for me till this year when I finally got enough courage to-" I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers

She gasped so I let my tongue in and tasted her entire mouth
(Me reading this after writing this part:😐 maybe I should stop writing books forever instead of always taking a this point,it's already giving me a headache from writing books where I explain how Meliodas is eating her mouth)

She kissed me back after a minute and the kiss felt amazing.i pulled away and put my forehead against hers and stared deep into her gorgeous ocean blue eyes

"Go out with me" I said

(And that's it for this chapter.gave me a real good headache but I'm glad I'm done writing it.i was writing this since yesterday.sorry if there's a few mistakes.this was rushed😁)

Rebel Out~

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