Chapter 9:Epilogue

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Okay so first off,I'd like to give 2 shoutouts to two of my readers who gave me their most sweetest honest answer in the Author's Note🤗

1st shoutout goes to Liza01104
And 2nd shoutout goes to SDS-Writer

Thank you so much♥️♥️

Meliodas' Pov

After I dropped Elizabeth off at her place,I drove back to mine,thinking of the date we had

She said yes to be my girlfriend and I'm so happy.we both agreed that we shouldn't tell anyone yet about us dating and that we'd tell them on Monday

When I got home,I was bombarded with questions.i was tired so I didn't answer them and went straight to my room and locked the door

I sighed,stripped out of my clothes and took a long nice shower.after showering,I put on a black t-shirt and my black boxers

I got in bed and texted Elizabeth goodnight.i put my phone on the nightstand and took off my contact lenses and put on my glasses

I watched a few movies before going to bed


When I woke up,it was 7:30 and my phone was ringing.i yawned,sat up and checked who was calling me

I put on my glasses and saw It was Ban and he wanted to video chat.i answered and saw the rest of the gang in frames

"Goodmorning!" They all said at the same time

"Morning~" I said and yawned

"You guys wanna hangout today?" Ban asked

"Sure!" All of them said at the same time

"I don't have anything better to do" I answered

"Great! Let's meet up at the amusement park at 8" Ban laughed

After that,I hung up and got myself ready

I put on my contact lenses and earrings before going downstairs and eating breakfast with my family

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I put on my contact lenses and earrings before going downstairs and eating breakfast with my family

"Meliodas,you didn't say anything about how your date was last night" Mom said

"I was tired of getting asked a million questions so I didn't say anything" I sighed

"The date was great" I said and continued eating my pancakes

"Did you ask Elizabeth out?" Zel asked with a smirk

"No" I answered bluntly

"HEH!?" Zel and Estarossa exclaimed

"I'm gonna get meeting up with friends at the amusement park" I said,changing the topic

"Could you wait for me?! My friends texted me that they're meeting up with your friends there" Zel asked

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