Chapter 10:Final

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Meliodas' Pov

When I went back to the rooftop,my friends tackled me in a hug and kept rambling about how great my song is

Elizabeth gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me.i smiled and hugged her back

The bell rang after a few minutes and as we were walking down the halls,no one would leave me alone and some of them even asked for my autograph

We all went to our class and took our seats.Sir Hendrickson congratulated me on my song before starting the lesson

My phone then rang and Sir Hendrickson just smiled at me and nodded

I got up and left the class and closed the door behind me before answering the phone

"Dad?" I said

"Meliodas,your Mom and I are gonna come home late so I need you to go pick up Isabella" dad said

"Alright,no problem" I said

"Thanks son" he said and hung up

I walked back in class and took my seat and paid attention to the lesson

When the day was over,I told Zel and Esta that our parents were gonna come home late and that we have to go pick up Isabella

Zel said that he would and I was okay with it.i did ride my motorcycle to school and there isn't any room on it for Isabella

I talked to Elizabeth about staying over for dinner and so that we can tell my parents that we're dating and she said yes

I drove to my place and I took her to my room.i took her bag and put it down next to mine against the wall

"I'm gonna start on dinner.make yourself at home" I said and smiled at her

We both went downstairs and Elizabeth went to the living room while I went to the kitchen to start making food

Elizabeth's Pov

I'm really nervous about telling Meliodas' parents that I'm dating him.
he didn't tell Isabella yet and I'm worried and scared that she won't accept me

A few minutes later,I hear people talking and I already knew who it was.Zel,Estarossa and Isabella came into the living room and I looked at them

"Hey Ellie,you ready to tell our parents about you and Meliodas?" Zel asked with a smile

"I'm a bit nervous but yes" I answered and returned the smile

I got up and walked to Isabella.i felt nervous about telling her but I have to either way

"Isabella,um....Meliodas and I are dating" I said

To my surprise,she hugged me and pulled away and smiled at me

"That's glad you two are together.i hope you stay together forever" she said with a smile

I smiled back at her and pulled her in for a hug.she hugged me back and Zel and Estarossa awed at us

After awhile,their parents showed up and hugged me.we all sat at the dinner table and Meliodas and I look at each other before looking back at his parents

"Mom,dad,there's something I have to tell you" Meliodas said

"What is it sweetie?" His Mom asked

"Elizabeth and I are dating" he answered

They both nearly choked on their food but quickly chugged down their water before looking at us shocked

"You're dating!?" His Mom exclaimed

"Since when!?" His dad asked

"The night I took her out on a date" Meliodas answered

His Mom started squealing and his dad smiled brightly at us

"I'm glad you two are together" his dad said

"You better stay together long enough to give me grandbabies" his Mom said

That made my face burn up so much I looked away in embarrassment

"MOM!" Meliodas exclaimed and they all laughed

Meliodas' Pov

I was happy when Isabella accepted my relationship with Elizabeth.the next day,I had dinner with Elizabeth's family and we told them we were dating and they were happier than ever

My dad told me that a record deal manager wanted to sign me into the music industry cause of my voice but I turned it down since I didn't want nothing to do with music

A few months later,Elizabeth and i graduated high school along with our friends and we even went to the same college

Elizabeth and I got married and had 3 adorable and amazing kids

The End

(Hope you guys enjoyed this story.i know it's not as long as you expected it to be but that was all the ideas I had for this book.sorry if I disappointed you but I hope you all enjoyed this story😁)

Rebel Out~

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