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     The next morning, you were feeling a little bit better. Heisenberg managed to stay by your side throughout the entire night, helping you up and to the bathroom when you needed with no complaints. So when you woke up and looked to your side, you weren't surprised to find the man asleep.

     You shuffled back in the bed, sitting upright. The rag resting on your head tumbles down into your lap. It was warm, matching the temperature that your forehead radiated. The back of your head brushes against it, noting that it's died down a little since yesterday, though not by much.

     You think of the mini library and how much you would love to read something right now. You knew you needed the sleep, but you were stubborn. You loved staying up, and if you had the choice to sleep as much as you want, or never, you would choose the latter.

     There was a specific book you had in mind that you wanted to read. It was called The Art of Deception, and it was about a thief that tried to lie and manipulate the queen but ends up falling in love in the process. Before coming here to Romania, you had bought the physical copy for yourself. You only got to read a little bit of it before you lost it, so when you found the hard cover copy in Heisenberg's little library, you had to read it.

     Speaking of which, most of the books seemed to be romance novels. Heisenberg didn't seem like the type to be interested in those kinds of books, but who are you to judge? Or maybe they were his, but rather someone else's. Either way, you were just glad to have something to do.

( I Appologise if that's not you, but for now just roll with it XD )

     Taking in a deep breath, you get out of bed as quietly as possible. You still felt weak and wobbly, but you would manage. Heisenberg needed some rest after helping you all throughout the night. You'd feel bad if he couldn't even get that, even though a part of you still felt hatred for the man.

     You're feelings towards him were... complicated. You hated him for almost killing you and throwing death threats around at you like nothing. But then you also felt sympathy for Heisenberg. He was roped into something he didn't want to be a part of; forced to be here. There was times like now where you got to see a different part of him that you didn't get to know at first. It made you want to know him better.

     I guess it's safe to say we are frenemies then, huh?

     "Where do you think you're going?" A voice asks from behind you, causing you to yelp in surprise. Turning, you see Heisenberg no longer asleep, but rather standing groggily in front of you with his arms crossed. From the look on his face, he was annoyed. A few hairs were pulled from his ponytail and stuck out in his face, but he didn't seem to mind. His shades and hat were also gone, too.

     "I was going to get a book," you respond with a frown. "I appreciate you helping me and all, but I'm not going to stay in bed all day. Besides, I'm feeling better." It was somewhat half true, what you told him. You still had a fever, though it wasnt as severe as it once was. You didn't feel sick anymore, and really only felt tired, hot, and weak. That wasn't going to stop you from reading, though. And if you needed the rest, you would make sure to get it; you weren't stupid.

     Sleeping unnecessarily all day just sounds wasteful to you.

     "Get in bed y/n. I'm serious." He demands calmly, eyes narrowed.


     "Now." You sigh and comply. You didn't really feel like arguing right now. As much as you wanted to read, perhaps you could suffice with asking him questions about himself. You were curious about him and his past, but you definitely didn't want to force it out of him; oh if he was ready.

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