The Beginning Of New Story

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In Kuntibhoja

Kunti was in her room when a dasi came in and gave her the news of her swayamvar and 1 month before her swayamvar Maharishi Durvasa visited Kuntibhoja being extremely pleased by the all comforts, patience, and devotion offered by Kunti, he offered her a mantra that would invoke any god of her choice and he would bless her with children.

On the day of her swayamvar out of impetuous curiosity, Kunti invoked the God Surya bound by the power of the mantra, Surya begot a child on her, and to her surprise, the child was born with his sacred armor and ear rings on. Out of fear of the public and with no choice, Kunti gave the child to one of her trusted dasi to look after the child.The dasi herself already had a son of 2 years.

Kunti cried a lot that day but finally got ready for her swayamvar in her swayamvar she chose to marry maharaj Pandu of Hastinapur they both got married she was taken to hastinapur with respect accompanied by her trusted handmaid who on insistence of Kunti had brought along her son of two yrs along with the son begotten to Kunti by god Surya. They all reached Hastinapur.

In Hastinapur

After all the rituals Kunti was waiting for maharaja Pandu for her first night in their room.Maharaj Pandu entered the room and noticed that Kunti was crying he assumed that she missed her family and went and sat beside her before he could utter any word she said "I am sorry arya I did a very big mistake a very bad sin" saying this she started crying more.

He hugged her and said "what happened priye please stop crying and tell me why are you speaking like this?" She narrated the whole incident. He was at first shocked then he understood that she out of curiosity did that mistake he said "priye I will accept him as my child so please tell me where is my child" after listening to this she said "thankyou so much arya you are indeed as great as I have heard."

Kunti orders her dasi to bring her child after that seeing the kavach and kundal of the child maharaj Pandu says "he is my first and my eldest son Karna'' after that Kunti is really happy she starts smiling and says "I love you arya" and maharaja Pandu says "I love you very much Kunti"and they drift off into their sweet dreams and this is how the spend their first night happily.

In Hastinapur

2 days after the marriage of maharaja Pandu and maharani Kunti mahamahim Bhishma arranged the marriage of his eldest son Dhritarashtra with the princess of Gandhara princess Gandhari. After knowing this Dhritarashtra says "Tatshree I will not marry princess Gandhari because I don't want her to suffer for the rest of her life by marrying me. I will not marry her."

Saying this he was about to leave when suddenly mahamahim Bhishma says "putra when princess Gandhari doesn't have any problem in marrying then why are you not ready to marry her" Dhritarashtra was about to say something but mahamahim Bhishma speaks in his higher voice "putra I don't want to hear anything you are going to get married to princess of Gandhar, princess Gandhari tomorrow itself."

He further continued "I can't see you like this putra you will get married otherwise you can just not get married and disobey your tatshree now the decision is up to you tell me your decision now." Dhritarashtra says "Tatshree I will never disobey you I will marry princess Gandhari tomorrow" after hearing this mahamahim says "you are indeed my putr" Dhritarashtra says "yes tatshree." Then he hugs mahamahim and leaves his chamber.

In Gandhara

Gandhar raj shakuni loved his sister a lot he was in his sister's chamber he says "dear sister you can't get married to that blind man I will not allow it why are you so stubborn just listen to me please my dear sister" Gandhari says "bhrata it's my life and I have the rights to choose my own husband to whom I want to spend my rest of the life with so please don't force me and yes please I again request you don't speak about my to be husband so rudely and bad and this is my final decision I will marry maharaj Dhritarashtra now I don't want any more arguments"

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