Draupadi Is No More?

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It had been a month since draupadi had been put in the dungeon and everyone were really worried about her. Arjun himself cried silently at night remembering the memories and moments they spent together and he missed her very much. But a part of him used to say arjun she has betrayed you and your feelings she has broken your trust and so she is not worthy to be trusted she tried to kill your elder brother just for the greed of the throne. 

Whereas another part of him used to say no arjun no she did not betray you and your feelings she did not break your trust she loved you very much she is more than worthy to be trusted. She is too innocent to do such a thing. It is someone else's work arjun you should have given her a chance to explain herself to prove herself innocent but you didn't you didn't fulfill the duty of being her husband you doubted her purity and her innocence. As a husband you have failed arjun you have just failed. A husband is supposed to be with his wife not only in her good but her bad times but what you did you just left her alone. You didn't even bother to look into the situation or to see into the matter deeply that was your biggest mistake. 

Suddenly to his great peace and relief his cousin his sakha Madhav had decided to give them a visit. And it was the day of their arrival. When arjun welcomed govind and his wives rukmini and satyabhama. They all three noticed the sad and uneasy feeling on his face. They instantly come to know that something is wrong and after not seeing draupadi anywhere there suspicion is confirmed that definately something is wrong. 

Madhav just keeps a hand on his parth's shoulder and says "parth please tell me what's wrong, is there any quarrel between you and sakhi where is my sakhi then please tell me I will talk to her." Listening to this arjun's eyes are filled with tears. He says "madhav she is not here she betrayed me she tried to kill bhrata karna just for the greed of the throne. She broke my trust she just didn't care about the love care and respect given by all of us to her she just did what she wanted. She betrayed me madhav she betrayed me." Listening to this Krishna is shocked he says "parth please explain everything in detail" arjun nods and says "but madhav before that please come in and get freshed" after all the things are done after that all the elders and others are gathered in the discussion room and Krishna sits beside arjun and says "parth now tell me what has happened" after that arjun explains everything to Krishna and then krishna just glares at kauravas and says angrily "all of you just come with me I will give the proof of who is the real culprit behind this crime the crime for which an innocent person is kept in the dungeon the crime for which my innocent sakhi is being held as a culprit that crime is done by none other than gandhar raj shakuni bhrata duryodhan and bhrata dushasan" after listening to this the three of their faces go pale and then duryodhan shouts angrily "vasudev Krishna what proof do you have" then krishna says "you all saw and you also parth did you see right now when I said their names as culprits at that time all the three of their faces went pale and we get scared at that time only when we do something wrong and when it gets discovered but when you shouted and accused my innocent sakhi of being a culprit at that time she didn't went pale she was broken because even you refused to believe her parth and the main thing is she didn't shout or tried to defend herself when she was being accused and it tells that she is innocent and also you took her silence as her agreement that she did the crime. Whereas the three of them quickly shouted and tried to defend themselves when they were accused. This proves that they are the real culprits"

After listening to all this arjun is very shocked whereas suddenly a soldier and a maid speak up "rajkumar can we have a moment to speak" arjun nods and says "go ahead and speak up" then the soldier says "rajkumar that day when I was taking a round around the palace that time I indeed saw the three of them sneaking into the kitchen but they shut my mouth by threatening to kill my family" then the maid says "yes rajkumar even I saw gandhar raj pouring some type of green liquid in the kheer which rajkumari prepared and I also heard him saying that it was the deadliest poison in the whole of aryavarth. And he shut me also up by threatening to kill my family." Listening to this arjun is extremely shocked he removes his gandeev and says "we have had enough of your stupid tricks to make our pandavas unity break but this time by aiming at my wife you did a big mistake a very big mistake she was way to innocent to understand it. I will kill you"

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