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She smiles and then they both drift off to their dreamland. The next morning draupadi wakes
up and gets ready. She stands in front of the mirror to get ready and while looking in the
mirror she smiles to herself at the memory of last night.
Suddenly arjun enters the chamber all sweaty after his morning archery practice. He sees
her smiling through the mirror and he himself smiles. He is captivated by her beauty and he
quietly goes behind her and hugs her from behind.
She smiles and then lightly pushes him and turns around and says '' arya I have just took a
bath and you are all sweaty first go and take a bath and then come and hug me'' she says
this and starts staring at his well toned body.
He sees this and smirks and teases her saying ''don't stare at me like this priye I know I am
handsome and I have a well toned body, but don't worry because I am all yours and I also
know this that you were smiling to yourself at the memory of last night isn't it''
Draupadi blushes hard after listening this and start pushing arjun towards snaangarh and
says ''arya you know right that today there is an important meeting for the discussion of the
division of kingdom and that bhrata karna has to choose the kingdoms of his choice so I
request you to get ready fast''
Arjun listens this and his face turns serious from all playful and happy . He quickly takes a
bath and gets ready and then they both start walking towards the discussion room. Once
they both reach the discussion hall they see that all are already assembled in the discussion
hall. They both go and sit on their resected seats.
Then the sabha starts and Karna asks for a kingdom named KHANDAVPRASTHA.
Everyone are shocked by his decision and he explains them the reason that he wants to
create a kingdom with his own hard work. Pandu feels extremely proud of his son's thinking
and grants him the kingdom.
Then pandu along with kunti , madri, pandavas and pandavpatnis start moving towards
khandavprastha.But they all feel extremely sad that mahamahim bhishma could not come
with them because of his oath of loyality towards hastinapur throne. Everyone reach
khandavprastha along with their praja.
Suddenly they are attacked with snakes who kill all the people there but the pandavas fight
off the snakes over there and the people come back to life because of this incident Takshak
the king of snakes get angry and asks help from Indra dev. Indra warns everyone to go back
to hastinapur but when they don't listen at that time Indra dev fights with arjun who is injured
badly but doen't give up.
Suddenly Vasudev Krishna intervenes and explains Indra dev the situation. Indra dev gets
extremely happy and then he tells Vishwakarma to create a palace for them and they name
that place as INDRAPRASTHA. Suddenly Agni dev appears before them and tells arjun to
give his Gandiv Dhanush back to him.
Arjun is shocked at first but unwillingly gives away his Gandiv. Suddenly the Gandiv starts
glowing and then Agni dev speaks ''putra arjun you have married my putri and also you and
my putri draupadi are the two keys for establishment of dharma in whole of Aryavart so I am
giving you this Gandiv with its power doubled''
Arjun seeks his blessings and Agni dev blesses all of them and then Indra dev and Agni dev
both disappear. Suddenly a palace is built there and everyone are extremely happy. Then
Mayasur makes it more beautiful with his maya because he was saved by arjun from the fire
which arjun had lighted to make all the snakes come out from the forest.
But because of this incident Takshak had swore to hurt the most precious thing of arjun to
take his revenge on him but the moment he saw draupadi he was mesmerised and filled with
lust and had decided that he will not hurt her but make her his.
Everything was going on well. The pandavpatnis had also given birth to beautiful and healthy
children. Vrushali gave birth to two healthy baby boys named vrishketu and vrishasena.
Devika gave birth to a healthy boy and a cute baby girl named prativindhya and suthanu.
Hidimba gave birth to two healthy boys and a cute baby girl named sutasoma , ghatotkacha
and samyukthana. Karenumati gave birth to a healthy boy and a cute baby girl named
shatanika and printha. Vijaya gave birth to a healthy boy and a cute baby girl named
shrutasena and sumithra.
It was a beautiful silent night and draupadi were sleeping peacefully in her and arjun's
chamber alone as arjun with other pandavas had went to do sandhi with kings of different
kingdoms to gain support of those kings so that they could do rajsuya yagya soon on
krishna's advice. Draupadi suddenly feels a wave of nausea over her so she quickly gets up
and goes into snaangarh. Later she cleans herself and come out. She feels tired so she
decides to sleep.
The next morning draupadi gets ready and she feels tired and her face is all pale. Everyone
are worried about her but she convinces them that she is alright. Suddenly they hear noise
of conches which means that pandavas are back from their conquest. They all go to the
entrance with a pooja thal and while going out draupadi feels dizzy but she holds a pillar
beside her for support and regains her balance.
Once she comes out she sees arjun smiling at her. She smiles back and suddenly holds her
head because she again feels dizzy. Arjun sees this and he has a worried expression on his
face. Draupadi just smiles at him again reassuringly to show that she is fine to which he
returns the smile.
Then all the pandavpatnis do aarti of their husbands and then its draupadi's chance she
does arjun's aarti and then they all go in the palace. While going inside draupadi again feels
dizzy but this time its too much for her to take so she falls down on the ground and black
spots start appearing in front of her and she falls down. Before going into darkness she
hears someome shouting her name and recognises it as arjun's voice and then she gets
Arjun quickly picks her up bridal style and takes her to vaidya. After some time the vaidya
speaks "there's nothing to worry rajkumar arjun because soon you are going to be a father
and rajkumari draupadi is going to become a mother''
Arjun's happiness knew no bounds and by that time draupadi had also woken up she also
hears this and they both have tears of joy in their eyes. Kunti indicates everyone to go out of
the room and one by one they all go out of the room.
Arjun hugs draupadi tightly and she hugs him back. They stay silent experiencing there
immense love for each other. Then they break the hug and arjun says ''thank you krishnaa
you have given me the best gift of my life you are carrying one more life in you now '
draupadi says ''thanks to you arya for giving me this bliss of being a mother this baby is a
symbol of our love and in next nine months there will be one more beautiful member in our
He nods and then he picks her up and they go to their chamber. Arjun gently places her on
the bed and they both drift off to their dreamland after getting the best joy of their lives.
He nods and then he picks her up and they go to their chamber. Arjun gently places her on
the bed and they both drift off to their dreamland after getting the best joy of their lives.
The next morning draupadi wakes up to see the bed empty. She gently caresses her
stomach and says "see little one your father is so focused on archery and also respects
everyone, remember you also have to become like him"
Then she gets up and gets ready. She goes towards the archery practice room joined to their
chamber but he was not there.
She goes out of the chamber and a dais says "rajkumari draupadi, rajkumar arjun and others
are in discussion room. And rajkumar arjun told me to tell you that after you wake up you
also have to assemble in the discussion room"
Draupadi nods and says "thank you, you can go back to your work" the dasi nods and goes
away. Draupadi then goes towards discussion room and does pranipat to all the elders.
Arjun smiles at her and she smiles back and then she takes her seat beside arjun. And then
arjun says "guru dron now everyone are here, so you can announce the important
announcement that you wanted to do"
Guru dron nods and says "so today while coming to palace I heard some people conversing
about the greatest archer in whole aryavart and I also was confused so to erase away this
confusion I want arjun and karna to compete among themselves"
Listening to this everyone were shocked and arjun says "I am sorry guru dron but I can't
compete with my bhrata" karma also says "yes guru dron only to gain the position of great
archer I will not compete with my anuj"
Guru dron says angrily "ARJUN and KARNA now you are insulting me and my given vidya
by not following my order" arjun and look at each other helplessly and say together "ok guru
dron we will compete with each other"
Guru dron nods and then they all gather in the practice ground of battles and arjun and
karna take their positions and look into each other's eyes helplessly and guru dron says "ok
start the competition now"
Draupadi suddenly closes and feels bad and suddenly an idea strikes her she suddenly gets
up and starts walking into the field grabbing everyone's attention.
Vrushali sees this and blocks her and says "draupadi it's dangerous to go there and you are
pregnant. Stop here and go back to your seat." But sadness is completely evident in her
eyes and voice.
Draupadi nods her head in a no and says "no jiji if today this is not stopped then not only
their bond but also our childrens will be envious each other and have enmity between them"
And vrushali looks at her shocked and nods. Draupadi goes towards the field and enters the
field. Exactly then, arjun and karna are about to shoot arrows at each other but draupadi
goes and stands in between them and both are shocked and they retreat arrows back.
Guru dron, karna and arjun come towards her and arjun asks her worriedly "what are you
doing panchali, you could have got hurt you know how dangerous it could be then why did
you come in between"
Guru dron speaks angrily "drupad kanya what's the meaning of stopping the competition in
between can you please give a reason"
Karna speaks "rajkumari draupadi why did you stop the competition in between please tell a
reason, guru dron is really angry"
Draupadi just says calmly and confidently "arya, bhrata karna and guru dron I didn't mean to
intervene between the competition but before the competition, guru dron I want you to
answer my one question"
Guru dron nods and says "go ahead" she nods and starts walking towards a tree. She takes
two flowers and goes back towards them. They three look at her confused.
Draupadi faces guru dron and says "guru dron can you please tell me which flower is more
beautiful from these two flowers?"
Guru dron says in a confused tone "what are you asking drupad kanya, both the flowers are
same there's no difference between them so how can only one be beautiful, both are
Draupadi says "no guru dron please see properly and tell which one is more beautiful" now
guru dron says angrily "drupad kanya first you stop the competition and then you ask a silly
question and insult my knowledge are these the morals you have been taught"
Draupadi just joins her hands and says in a soft tone "I am sorry guru dron, I didn't mean to
insult you or your knowledge, I have no doubt that you are intelligent and nipun in everything
because after all you are guru of my arya and his brothers."
Guru dron nods and says "but do you, yourself know the answer to this question" she nods
and says "guru dron you said that there's no difference in the flowers and that both are same and equally beautiful, right?"
Guru dron nods and draupadi continues "that answer is right and please tell me that when
the flowers can be equally beautiful then why can bhrata karna and arya both be great
archers.As both the flowers are grown on same tree similarly bhrata karna and arya both are
sons of mata kunti then why can't they and their archery be equally great and same."
She further continues "by telling them to compete haven't you insulted their archery, and also
you yourself doubted the vidya given by you to them by deciding to test them. Also mata
kunti will be sad if she sees her two sons fighting for a title and she won't be able to see her
family breaking like this."
She further says "we should listen to what the people but by doing this competition you will
not only insult one's archery but also you will yourself insult your vidya and also break the
brotherly bond between them.And then what will happen our children will compete to be
great, ok I agree that after the winner is decided he will be great archer but because of that
you will break a full happy family. So now you only decide whether to let them compete and
break this family or to accept that both are equal and save a happy family" saying so she
Guru dron thinks deeply for several time and then finally gives a contented smile and says
"putri draupadi, you are right. I declare that both are great archers no need to compete. Putri
draupadi kalyan ho. May the child you give birth to be as intelligent as you and have the
same valour just like his father"
Draupadi touches his feet and then he leaves. Arjun looks at draupadi lovingly and says "so I
see you are really more intelligent than me" draupadi just says confidently "I am happy that
you accepted it late but atleast you accepted it"
Arjun then starts chasing her and draupadi runs and goes towards kunti and madri and hides
behind them and says "mata kunti and mata madri save me from arya"
Everyone are laughing at their childish antics and then arjun reaches them and kunti and
madri says "leave our putri alone go to your brothers"
Arjun glances at draupadi and goes towards karna. They both hug each other. And then all
the pandavas share a brotherly hug.

So guys that's it for this part of this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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