The Divine Engagement,Marriage and The Disaster

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The next morning everyone woke up early because as decided today they were going to take a visit around the panchal.But when they were eating breakfast at that time suddenly they all hear sound of conches and drums so they all come out to see what is happening and then the kuru and pandu princes were shocked to see their full royal family of hastinapur which included mahamahim bhishma Maharaj pandu maharani kunti maharani Madri maharaj dhritarashtra maharani gandhari mahamantri vidur mamashree shakuni and the pandav patnis vrushali devika hidimba karenumati and vijaya and also the wife of duryodhan bhamumati arriving at panchal together then they all went into the palace they all did pranipat to their elders and after that drupad said "maharaj pandu its really my pleasure that the royal family of hastinapur has visited panchal" then maharaj pandu says "actually maharaj drupad I am here for a very important matter" listening to this drupad becomes serious and asks "what is the matter maharaj pandu please tell me I will try my best to help you " then maharaj pandu smiles happily and looks at draupadi and then arjun and then says "maharaj drupad I want your daughter's hand for my son arjun I want your daughter to become arjun's wife and the kurukulvadhu" listening to this drupad is extremely happy but then he is confused and asks "maharaj pandu I have three daughters Shikhandini the twin sister of tejveer then uruvi and then the fire born princess draupadi the twin sister of drishtyadyumna the fire born prince so which one of my daughter do you want as the wife of rajkumar arjun" then maharaj pandu says happily ''maharaj drupad I want rajkumari draupadi as the wife of my son arjun" listening to this drupad and the others are very happy and then drupad says "maharaj pandu I agree with this marriage "listening to this there is a wave of happiness in the royal family of hastinapur and the royal family of panchal but arjun and draupadi are too shocked by everything then arjun gets angry and looks at draupadi seeing that draupadi is confused but then suddenly drupad says "maharaj pandu please have some rest after that we will have lunch and then I will show you panchal" after that they all get freshen up and they all have lunch together and after that they all roam around panchal and after that when they return they are shocked to see maharani mahima and rajkumari uruvi in the palace then drupad introduces both of them to the hastinapur family and after hearing about draupadi and arjun's marriage uruvi is very jealous and angry she speaks rudely with draupadi and insults her and goes away from there no one likes her attitude but ignore it and then they all gather for dinner while dinner uruvi refuses to serve the food and sits on her chair then draupadi and Shikhandini serve food to all and then all force draupadi to sit beside arjun saying that afterall she is to be wife of his and then they all have dinner happily but arjun doesn't speak a word to draupadi and keeps looking at her angrily and he keeps ignoring her whenever she tries to talk to him she doesn't understand anything and then they all go to their respective rooms for taking rest.

The next morning all were gathered in the discussion room of panchal for deciding the marriage date of arjun and draupadi. Arjun was busy talking with his brothers and the pandav patnis were talking with each other while the elders were deciding the date of marriage and drishtyadumna Shikhandini and tejveer were talking with each other about the arrangements of the marriage. Uruvi was really jealous of her sister and said that she was not at all intrested in talking about their marriage and she had went to her chamber angrily. Draupadi was left all alone so she went outside in the gardens to take a stroll without telling anybody.

When she was strolling in the garden at that time she suddenly hears a beautiful melodious mesmerising tune and she starts feeling peaceful so she starts following the sound of the tune and when she reaches on that spot she sees a figure of a man sitting under a tree and playing the tune. When she goes near the tree the man suddenly stops playing and draupadi comes out from her peaceful state and the man stands up. The man is in a royal attire so she comes to know that he must be a certain rajkumar she looks at him and says "pranipat rajkumar I am rajkumari draupadi the youngest princess of Panchal. May I know your name please" The man infront of her starts smiling and says "I know that you are rajkumari draupadi. And as for my name I am known by many names keshav, madhav, krishna,devkinandan and many more but you can call me govind." Listening to this draupadi smiles and says "ok then I will call you govind. Govind right now the tune you played on your flute it was just mesmerising and beautiful I have never heard such a tune before" krishna smiles and says "I know that sakhi." Listening to word sakhi draupadi is shocked and she asks "govind you just called me sakhi am I your sakhi." Then krishna makes a fake hurt expression and says in a sad voice "oh so you don't want to be my sakhi its fine then I will go. Bye sakhi oh sorry bye rajkumari draupadi" and he starts walking away draupadi looks this and says "I am sorry govind I didn't mean like that and yes I would love to be your sakhi" listening to this Krishna stops and says happily "that means from now on we are sakha and sakhi so we are a team of two krishnas now you will be krishnaa and I will be krishna" draupadi smiles and nods at him. And they start playing with each other just like two small kids.

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