Inviting an old friend

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3rd Person POV:
Summer was starting up. That meant you were gonna be bored for awhile. Why? Because you had a boring life. Nobody really wanted to hang out with you. Everyone was gawking about Hot Girl Summer, or they were with their significant other. That was fine with you. Honestly, the silence was going to be nice. You could sit back and watch your favorite shows, Read, or... You didn't actually read that much. Damn. Well this Summer was gonna be lonelier than expected.

You fell out of your bed and rolled to your door. Classic Y/n. You got up and opened your door. Silence. You hated this more than you thought you would. The silence was somehow so loud.

The wood floors creaked a little with every step you took. Walking through the hallway, a framed photo caught your eye. It was a picture with you and your best friend hugging. It was David. You missed David. He turned every situation into a fun time. Flat tire? BOOM, it was fun. You let out a short sigh.
"Why couldn't you have moved in with me?" You said sadly. "It was because of that fight, wasn't it?"
You set the photo down on the table gently, and kept walking.

You got to the living area and took a seat. You looked around your house. Awfully quiet. It used to not be this way. People used to roam around the house. There was nobody to roam around the house now. You usually had friends that would stay over a few days. You even let a man you didn't know live with you for a few months. You guys did get to know each other. You only kept him around for one reason though.

He looked like David. He was literally the same person, but scarier in a way... He certainly did like grape kool-aid...

Snapping back to reality, you heard your phone. One little notification. Yep. That's just how quiet your house was. You walked back to your room and picked it up. It was.. wait... No way. NO. WAY. IT WAS DAVID. AAAAAAAA. Enough of that. David had texted you. It was about Camp Campbell. That was when your heart sank for a moment. That camp was the reason David wasn't roaming around your house. That camp was the reason you two fought.
"He probably wants me to donate to that God awful place..."

He didn't actually. He wanted you to visit for the summer. You didn't want to go. At first anyway. He sent you a whole PARAGRAPH talking about the things you would do there. You were just going to deny, but the closing bit of his paragraph got you. It read: "And it would be nice to hang out with you! :D"

Ok. You were feeling your cheeks turn into  mini heaters. This was gonna be your chance. Your chance to make him like you. He probably liked you a little if he could just forget about what happened between you two.

Your eyes widened at what David just said.
"You're just gonna pick a camp? Over me? I've been your friend since... As long as I can remember!" You yelled angrily.
"You don't understand, Y/n! I love this camp! I can't just throw this away!" He yelled back.
"NOBODY HERE LIKES THIS FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE CAMP EXCEPT YOU, DAVID! IT'S ALL YOU TALK ABOUT! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S JUST A CAMP?!?!" You yelled louder than ever. You didn't like yelling at people, but when push came to shove, you'd do anything.
David looked offended to say the least.      He pointed to the entrance of the camp. He couldn't say a word. He looked like he wanted to cry. His whole life was based off of this sketchy camp.
Tears were threatening to pour down your face, so you ran out. Never to look back at the camp again.
[[Flashback over]]

Until now. You were gonna fix things with David. Even if that meant returning to that shitty camp.

David's pov❓❗❓😦
I was lying down on my mattress. Not just any mattress. A counselor's mattress. My, counselor's mattress. How cool is that?!?! I'm a counselor at my favorite place now! I sat up on the mattress with my usual smile.
"Good morning world! Your favorite camp counselor is awake, and ready to start planning activities for the kids!"
I headed to my desk and started scribbling down ideas I had. Any ideas would do. Until a rather crazy idea popped into my head. I should text them. Them being Y/n. We had a fight when we both attended Camp Campbell. They've been a little bitter to me since then. What were the chances of them responding to me? I set my phone back down. I couldn't get distracted. The kids are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I need a plan. I picked up my phone again. I opened contacts and went to their profile. I named them "😊❤". I thought it was cute.

I finished typing out the invitation. My fingers cramped a little. That was a bunch of typing. Hopefully there were no typos. I hit send without thinking about how stupid that paragraph probably sounded. They wouldn't want to hang out with me. Let alone the place we had strong opinions about. Setting my phone back down, I continued scribbling out the activities. I also drew some pictures to make the page seem less... Bland.
They responded quicker than I imagined. I didn't actually think they would respond at all.
"Sounds good ig , what time do u want me 2 be there?👴"
Wow. They actually agreed! I decided on tomorrow so they could get used to the old stomping grounds again. I texted them back, and had a bigger grin on my face than before! But-
Slamming noises. Gwen!!!
Oh yeah! Y/n was gonna meet a new friend I made, Gwen!

But I hope I don't do anything stupid this time.

This is my redemption!

Hey- so I'm new to writing stories😰
If there are any grammar mistakes please tell me.
And if you want any other books for any other characters let me know. 😈 I'll also try to make really long chapters. Ciao🏃‍♀️

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