Camp Campbell

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Y/n= Your name
F/c= Favorite color

1st person/Y/n pov
I was finished with packing up everything. I had the things I needed most, and a few pairs of extra clothes. I threw the backpack into the trunk of my car and went back inside. Today was the day I saw David again. I was nervous to say the least. I hope he didn't think anything bad of me.

I threw on a plain f/c t-shirt and shorts/jeans. I felt ready to take on whatever the world had to throw at me. Which was definitely children. I can't really handle children, but I would be able to manage. As long as they weren't picky.
                     30 Minutes Later

3rd person🤯

Arriving at the camp, the first thing you saw was the tall, lanky, red haired man. He looked nervous and excited to see you. There was also a kid who didn't look too happy to be there. He was wearing a blue hoodie with a yellow shirt underneath. You walked out of your car shuddering a bit. The camp didn't look any different. David ran over to you, giving you the biggest smile you've ever seen. He gave you a big bear hug before speaking.

"I'm so glad you're here, Y/n! It's been so long!" He gave another goofy smile.

"Sure has..." You said walking to the entrance of the camp. The closer you got, the better you could see the kid. Duh. He didn't wave or anything. He did, however, try to warn you about how awful the camp was.

"You might want to leave. This hellhole will make your life MISERABLE. Just speaking from experience." He rolled his eyes.

"Max..!" David took the kids hand. "Just follow me, I'll show you the counselor cabin!" David squeaked, tightening the grip on Max's hand.

"I know where it is David, but thanks." You shifted awkwardly. David looked at you a little disappointed then walked away. He changed so you were last here. He was so much taller now. And kind of hot. Kinda. You didn't know what to do so you pointed back at your car. "I should go get my stuff.. you don't have to wait on me. I'll find my way around again."
David gave you a quick nod before walking back to the campgrounds. You walked to your car to grab your bags. You just couldn't believe it. You were back at Camp Campbell. You could only spot one difference: The camp's sign. Half if it was faded, so it read "Camp Camp". All of the good little memories you made were at this exact camp. But so was the big bad memory. You would try to not think about any of the memories you had here. It was time to start fresh.

You walked to the cabins slowly. You wanted to soak in everything. The trees, the nice fresh air, the old trails. It was all so nostalgic. You remember your friend group playing out by entrance. You thought about them for a moment. You wondered if they were upset with you. If you were upset with them.

You walked into the cabin. It was empty. Not exactly. Nobody was in there. Maybe it would just be you and David. That was the ideal Summer. To be alone with David. To apologize. To- never mind. You were at a Summer camp. You would have to take care of annoying needy children. Maybe this wouldn't be the ideal Summer. You threw your bags to foot of the bed and stared at the other bits of the room. There was a desk there. It had papers, pens, and a mug. You looked at the beds. Your uniform was on one of them. It was like David's. A green tree shirt and brown shorts. It was plain and simple, but you could care less.

You stepped back outside. It was kinda chilly for it to be Summer. The trees swayed back and forth. It was beautiful. You walked away from the cabins before anybody could notice you. You didn't want to deal with any kids at the moment. You just wanted to deal with yourself. Put together the puzzle pieces. Why did David want you here anyway? 'Does he want history to repeat itself?' You thought, kicking any rocks you found on the trail. The trail was just simple dirt. Nothing new. It was left how you found it. You're friends used to hold races on this trail. You also used to sit on the trail and make bracelets. Everyone had their own colored bracelet.
Your pov/🥳🤪

"RAWR!" A kid with mint green hair and red overalls lunged at me. She seemed very energetic. She proceeded to bite my leg and wouldn't let go, no matter how many times I shook my leg. My leg was aching, but she still held on.
"LET GO OF MY LEG YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled out in agony. She let go of my leg after that. The kid with the black bushy hair was walking towards me, with some other kid. He had a yellow turtleneck and light brown hair. David came running behind them. He picked up the girl by her overalls and chuckled, before staring at her sternly.
"Nikki, what did I tell you about biting people?"
She gave him a look then said
"I wanted to know if they were sweet," she claimed. "But they taste very bitter." She scowled at me. I stepped back a few inches. If I didnt like kids, I definitely hated her. The kid with the turtleneck looked up at me.
"Sorry about Nikki.. she's a little crazy..."

"A little?" I said looking at her. "I think that's a fucking understatement."

I shouldn't have come back here.

A/n: Hey there, I'm sorry I havent been updating. I kinda got stuck on this chapter AND I'm working on a few other unpublished books. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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