Gwen, a great friend <3

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Y/n= Your name
F/c= Favorite color
3rd person👿🇺🇲

"You need to tame your fucking dog." You mumbled. You could already tell you were gonna have a bad Summer. You were gonna be surrounded by these little kids, even a dog. Not a friendly one either. David glanced back between you, Nikki, and the other kids. They were terrifying. Well two of them were. Turtleneck kid looked nervous.
"This is Max. He loves the camp!" David said pointing at the bushy haired boy. He had very pretty eyes. "This one," David pointed at turtleneck, "is Neil." Neil waved awkwardly. "You've already met Nikki." David gave a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I wish I didn't." You replied.

"Quit being such a bitch, it wasn't that bad." Max rolled his eyes at you. These kids were already on your last nerve. The fact you agreed to this was horrible. You wanted to say something so bad. You didn't. Never mind, yeah you did.
"FUCK YOU AND THIS CAMP!" You stomped away angrily. You could hear David yell "language!" From the distance.
You stomped towards the camp. You didn't want to be noticed by the kids running around. They could all fall off a bridge for all you cared. You walked up to the cabins and stepped inside. There was someone in there this time. She had beautiful dark skin and purple eyes. She was writing something in some sort of journal. She looked up at you before her face lit up.
"HI! I'M GWEN!" She practically screamed. She gave your hand a quick shake before admiring you. "You must be Y/n, right?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?" You returned the smile. She seemed giddy.
"David has told me a lot about you. And when he said you were gonna help out this Summer, I practically flipped!" She grinned from ear to ear. "He's always described you as a cool person, let's see if you live up to what he says." She muttered the last part. You nodded. And then you pointed at her journal.
"Whatcha writing?" She looked over at the journal that lay flat on the mattress. She snatched it off the bed and opened it. "Don't tell ANYONE!" She yelled. You nodded. She opened it so you could see. It was a bunch of self insert fanfictions. You couldn't blame her. You would enjoy a fanfiction yourself every now and then.

Just then David pushed open the door. How convenient. He looked tired out, and his hair covered his face. He looked really emo😈. He gave you this odd look. He looked desperate or just upset. You couldn't tell. He slouched onto his bed and sighed. Gwen looked over at him. "You good?" Clearly not.

"I'm just trying to figure out why the kids don't love this camp as much as I did when I was younger.." he sighed. "Max has tried escaping SO many times, it hasn't even been that long!" He sobbed. You felt kinda bad for him. He did seem to try his hardest to stop the arguement that was going on earlier. After walking away, you didn't really know what happened. Probably nothing good since he came back in his horrible condition.
"Why don't you go take a shower? They always make me feel better." You suggested like the badass you are😈. He looked at you again, but longer this time. He looked like he was studying you. He knew something about you, he just couldn't tell what it was. His eyes never left yours. He let out a sigh. It didn't sound like a worried sigh, more like a sigh of relief.
"You're right. Thanks, Y/N." He staggered away slowly.

"He's not usually like this, so don't worry." Gwen went back to what she was doing. You forgot she was there. She was like a side character. "He's just been tougher on himself lately. Trying to make sure everything is in perfect working condition and all. He'll get over it." She paused waiting for your response.
"Sure." You nodded your head.

Gwen walked over to a desk in the cabin. It was filled with sticky notes, papers, and notebooks. Tons of notebooks. They had drawings and stories in them. All crafted by the brilliant mind of Gwen. She showcased them to you with ease.

That was until Max walked in.

OK SO THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOREVER AND I FINISHED IT❗❗I do apologize for my very long leap of absence and the shitty chapter. I just needed time for myself to get back some of my motivation. But I'm quarantined and bored, so why not write more chapters😈❗
Word count:790

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