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The same night

"Do you wanna play 21 questions?" Jimin asked suddenly

"Okay" Yoongi thought for a second before answering

They both sat on Yoongi's bed facing each other. "I'll ask first" Jimin said and the other nodded

"How you doin' ?"

"Do you like spending time with me?"
"Yes, idiot" Jimin smiled

"What is your favourite food?"
"I don't know. Almost everything"

"Do you think money can buy happiness?"
"Well it's complicated. Money can buy food and food makes me happy" They both laughed at this

"What was your first impression of me?"
"Hmm I thought you were stupid and you actually are"
"Hey! I'm not stupid"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?
"I've never been on a date"

"Are you...a virgin?"
"Jimin, you idiot! I knew you would ask questions like these!"
"Are you?"
"Fuck you"
"I know you are"
"Then why did you ask me if you knew already?"
"Got you"

"Do you have an ex?"

"Do you love anyone?"
"Yes, myself"

"Do you like anyone? Right now?"
"I don't know"

"What would you do if you saw me naked?" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows
"Kick you where it hurts the most"

"Do you think I'm weird?"

"Do you have any kinks?"
"I don't know"
"Come on!"
"I..don't know Jimin"

"What are you thinking about now?"

"When was the last time you experienced butterflies?"
"50 years ago" 'just now'

"Do you like hugs?"
"Okay" he sat up and hugged Yoongi

"Would you cook for me?"

"You really don't know how cute you are, do you?"

"When was the last time when you feel loved?"
"I feel loved when you spend time with me"

"Who is your number one supporter other than your parents?"
Jimin blushed


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