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Next day

"Yoongi, what the hell?" Jimin shouts at Yoongi who is looking down. "How can you just forget to do my homework!? You know it's important right? The teacher will kick me out of the class or give me detention!" He screams at the boy because his parents will for sure scold him and all of his 'good in studies' reputation will be damaged if he gets any detention.

"I'm sorry" Yoongi spoke lowly. "Sorry won't fix anything Yoongi!" Jimin shouts angrily

"What should I do now, huh?" Jimin spoke and walked to Yoongi, till he was slightly pressed onto him. No one was outside in the hall except them as the classes already started

Yoongi whimpered, trying to push Jimin away but the boy was stronger than him.

"Trying to push me away huh? Idiot" Jimin said, flicking the other's forehead and removed Yoongi's bag from his shoulders and threw it on the floor. He took his wrists in his hands and pinned them on the locker tightly and pushed himself more onto Yoongi.

"I forgot. Please leave me" Yoongi tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"You won't forget about eating food right? Then how can you forget about this?" Jimin said annoyed and the other looked down.

"You know what, you're such a fat fuck. You should be grateful that I even talk to you but you talk back to me and forget to do my homework! You dumb idiot. You're so fat, so ugly, I feel disgusted when I see you, to be honest. Don't you feel disgusted about yourself? And also, don't talk to me from now on, you're damaging my reputation," He spoke lowly and Yoongi could feel his heart paining and tears filling up his eyes.

Jimin was the only one who talked with him. Even if he said things about him being fat, this is the first time his words hurted Yoongi too badly.

Yoongi finally succeeded to push him away with all his strength "Pathetic asshole" Jimin said and Yoongi walked to his bag, lifting it up and took his notebook and gave it to Jimin

"What is this?" Jimin asked as he opened the book

"You can take my book" Yoongi mumbled even though Jimin said to not to talk to him. But if he didn't answer to his questions, he was sure that he will hurt him more and walked away leaving Jimin shocked.

"What just happened?" Jimin mumbled with guilt filling him. Whenever he gets angry, he always spoke disgusting things and regrets it. Today, he knew he fucked up real bad.


"What do you mean you didn't do the homework Yoongi? This is so important!" The teacher said angrily

"I'm sorry miss. I forgot. I'll not do it again" Yoongi said ashamed because of all the students staring at him. He always did his homework.

The teacher sighs "You'll have detention today"

Yoongi looks up and nods "okay" he sits down and looked down thinking of what Jimin said. The tears again fill up in his eyes but he tries to shook the thoughts away.

Jimin looked at Yoongi, feeling guilty for what he just said. He said things like this playfully before but not as harsh as today. He wanted to apologise but his ego didn't let him.


Oh wow

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