Chapter 5

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Two months has past since Eri enrolled in her dream school.

It's been one hell of a ride for her. Especially since she's been experiencing unfamiliar emotions.

The bell rang signaling class is about to start. Everyone settled down waiting for class to officially begin.

"Good morning, Class," Mrs. Johnson said in a tired tone.

"Morning," The class responded unenthusiastically.

"Today we're gonna be doing something a bit different," She said.

"We're going to be working on a project. You're free to express yourself through this project however you please. You can work by yourself or with a partner. I don't care. You can pair up to 4 people. Presentation is a bonus score. You do not have to do it. You have two months," Mrs. Johnson explained.

Everyone was looking around the room asking their friends to group up for the project. Tallie being one of them walks up to Eri with the same mindset.

Eri is distracted once again admiring the beauty of mother nature.

"Hey," Tallie said. "Oh, hey," Eri said turning towards Tallie.

"Want to be be partners for the project?" Tallie asked.

"No offense, but I would like to work by myself," Eri said hesitantly. "Oh, it's cool. I understand," Tallie replied trying to hide her disappointment.

School ends and instead of walking to the bus station to go straight home like she usually does she heads to a paint store to gather supplies for her upcoming personal projects including the one for school.

Eri sets foot inside the store and immediately notices the big pile of unlimited different types of color paint. She heads to the shelf and takes her time choosing the one that seems fit for her.

As she's looking at all the different color paints, she heard a soft voice behind her.

"Hey, princess," She turned around and saw Silas behind her playing with her hair gently.

"What a surprise bumping into you," Eri said. "You didn't really bump into me though," Silas said with a smirk trying to sound smart.

"I'm here to get some spray paint," Silas said. "Interesting," Eri simply said. "What does that mean?" Silas questioned. "Nothing," Eri said with a smirk.

"Let's go somewhere," Silas said. Eri looked Silas in the eye like he was crazy. "Right," Eri said rolling her eyes playfully.

"I'm serious!" he said grabbing her hands.

He looked at her in the eyes and she looked back making eye contact. They have been looking in each other's eyes for a while that they started getting lost in them.

Eri pulled her hands away and looked elsewhere.

"Where are we even going to go at this time?" Eri asked raising a brow. "Everywhere!" He answered. Eri burst out laughing. "Come on. I want to show you something," He said with shinning convincing eyes.

"...Fine," Eri said sighing. "Let me buy these first," Eri added. Silas smiled under his breath while Eri is checking out her things.

They get out the store together and they first go to an alley.

"Ha. I knew it!" Eri said feeling accomplished.
"You were buying spray paints so you could do Graffiti!" Eri added trying to sound like a detective.

"Great work, detective," Silas said slowly while clapping. "You know that's illegal right?" Eri said laughing sarcastically.

"It's art. How can art be illegal?" Silas replied. "It's a way of expressing myself," Silas said. Oh wow, Eri thought to herself.

"Care to join me?" He said pulling out his hand. I can't go back to jail...! Eri thought to herself biting her lower lip.

"Oh, what the hell! I'll do it. Only because I agree with you," Eri said grabbing his hand smiling.

A few minutes later, police sirens were going off.

"Oh no!" Eri thought out loud. "Gosh, these police officers are annoying," Silas said. "What are we going to do?" Silas asked panicking.

"You're telling me that you plan to do something illegal with no escape plan in case the police arrive?!" Eri said practically yelling. Silas scratches his head and chuckles softly under his breath.

Eri grabbed Silas arm and went up a stair case near by. They ran up trying to camouflage with the shadows. They ran far enough to hide.

"Okay, I think we lost them," Eri said panting. "Way to take charge, princess. I found that quiet sexy," Silas said panting with a smirk. "Doofus," Eri said chuckling breathy.

"How'd you know how to take charge like that?" Silas asked. "Uh... I've seen so many movies!" Eri answered nervously. "Right," Silas chucked raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, let's go," Silas said standing from his spot. "Where are we going?" Eri asked. "It's a surprise," Silas said with an attractive wink.

They make it up a rooftop with a gorgeous view. Silas covered Eri's eyes while walking her to the spot.

"Are we there yet?" Eri asked. "Yes," Silas said removing his hands from her eyes.

Eri looked around her admiring the beauty of the view especially since it's dark out and all the lights are shinning.

"Oh, my gosh! This is amazing!" Eri said with a huge smile on her face.

They laid down on the rooftop together hanging out.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Eri said. "You're welcome," Silas replied. "It's so beautiful."

"Just like you," Silas said touching her face sliding down to her chin lifting her head up slightly.

"Wow, your face is incredibly soft," Silas said chuckling. "Haha. Thank you," Eri said parting her hair behind her ear giggling lightly.

They look into each other's eyes getting lost in them once again with the distance between them not being too far nor too close. Silas hands glide down slowly to Eri's lips gently touching them.

Gosh, I'd love to feel her lips on mine. Silas thought to himself.

It's like Eri read his mind. She leaned in completely closing the distant between them and kissed him mercifully.

They pull away for a moment.

"I'm sorr..."

Before Eri could finish her sentence he pulled her back into him and kissed her hungrily.

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