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*Reader POV*

"Who's there?!" I yelled, holding one of my kitchen knives while creeping closer to my bathroom where the loud noises were coming from. Opening the door, I stopped myself from screaming as a masked figure stood in front of me. "Oh! My! God! You scared me!" I yelled at the man before me, lowering my knife.

He stared at me for a second before looking down at my ankle. "Ankle?" He simply asked while moving to the bathroom window and closing it. "Yeah, I went to the ambulance and they said it wasn't broken, just stained. I'll be able to run around again soon!" Nodding, he walked out of the room, heading for the kitchen. Rude much? 

"I have a question!" Looking up from the fridge, he nodded, urging me to continue. "Where are my friends." I knew where they were. I saw them running to the woods, but I need to hear it from him. He stood up straight, closing the fridge door before coming to stand inches away from me. "You mean the 'friends' that left you to die?" I lowered my head at the not so old memory as it flashed through my head. "Yes." A quiet sigh escaped him as he looked towards the kitchen window. "Dead in the woods, just how you would have been." A smile escaped me as I imagined their terrified faces right before they died. 

*E.J. POV* 

I looked at them, only to see a smile on their face at the mention of their friends deaths. "What the hell are you smiling about?" They looked up at me with a confused look, the smile gone. "What do you mean..? Why would I smile upon hearing my friends died?" I sighed grabbing their hand and dragging them to the living room. "OI! Let go!" They yelled while glaring at me. Taking the kitchen knife that they still had in their hand, I threw them on the couch, turning the TV on. 

"So~ We're watching a movie now?" They asked, getting comfortable as I switched through the channels, nodding without a word. Finally settling on a adventure movie, I looked at them for confirmation. They nodded, staring at the screen with great interest, their mouth hanging open a bit.  "Close your mouth, a fly will get in" They glared at me, closing their mouth before refocusing their attention to the screen. Halfway through the movie I could feel them leaning onto my shoulder, close to falling asleep. Whatever. I'll let it slip this once.

Soon, the movie ended with them fast asleep on my side as I switched through the channels. "I should have woken them up earlier. Dammit"  Slowly, I laid them down on the couch while getting up and turning of the TV. "Sleep tight or whatever"  I said, leaving their house and running through the woods.

*Reader's POV*

A warm light shined down on me, slowly waking me up. The TV was of and my masked friend  was nowhere to bee seen. "Who even is he?" I asked myself out loud, turning my phone on. "Hopefully the internet knows." 

Opening google, I searched up "masked killer" and scrolled through different wiki sites, trying to find one that would answer all the questions I have. Finally, I found a picture of him, with a clear description. 

 "Jack was just like any other average college student. His only real friend was his peer and roommate, Greg. Eventually, he found a sort of friendship with Jenny, and a small group of her friends. Jack later on discovered that the group turns out to be a cult worshiping a demon  with Jack involuntary made a sacrifice to be his son. Jenny and her friends proceed to blind Jack by pouring a hot, tar-like substance into his eyes, killing him in the process. His body is soon possessed, and he butchers Jenny and the others; ripping off their masks, slashing their throats, and disemboweling them. He took their kidneys afterward presumably as a sort of prize."

A small gasp left my mouth as I kept researching, finding out more and more. There were a few things that stood out in each article, so I wrote them down on a paper. 

1. Ability to see with presumably no eyes

2. Seed Eater is depicted to be his companion or pet

3. Unnatural, grey pigmented skin tone

4. Jagged/sharp teeth

5. Bleeds slowly (red blood)

6. Sagittarius 

Even after sitting in front of my phone for hours, trying to find information, I couldn't find any weaknesses. It seemed as if the only one who survived the encounter with Jack was a male named Mitch. He wrote about what happened and people soon started to spread the news about a serial killer on the loose, tho no one else wrote about their meeting with the eyeless killer. Was Mitch the only one who saw him? Or did everyone else who met him die? 

"Hopefully I won't witness the same fate." I whispered to myself, turning of my phone and finally getting up.

Angel (Eyeless Jack x chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now