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He was walking around, trying to pick his next victim when he suddenly saw a light coming from a nearby house. He crept closer, looking through the window, seeing a few teens talking and playing games. "Hey (Y/N), can you come with me to the bathroom? I have a surprise!" A girl said, leading one of the teens into a different room. Hoping to catch them both alone, he followed from the outside, trying to find the bathroom window.

"Okay what now?" He heard the chubby one asked the girl, looking a bit unsure of what was going on. "Just close your eyes!" The girl said, making puppy eyes in order to convince her friend. Soon, the others came into the room, only making his job harder. Walking over to the front door,  he unlocked it and entered the small house, heading straight for the bathroom. To his luck, the group was still in there, playing a game and cheering loudly. The one in the middle finally opened their eyes, only to scream as they saw Jack in the mirrors reflections.

He cursed under his breath as the others started freaking out, trowing things at him in order to keep him away. The second he fell to the ground, all of them ran out of the house, going straight to the woods. Running after them, he realized one was slower then the others. Maybe he would land a kill after all.

The group ran inside the woods, trying not to get separated as fear drove them to run faster then their legs could handle. One of the teens tripped and called out for help to their friends as he inched closer. Jack stopped running for a second, giving them the opportunity to get up and run, but it seemed like they couldn't do it. A girl turned around, running behind her other friends while giving an apologetic look to the fallen one before disappearing into the woods.

He came closer, scalper in hand, as the teen could only stare in horror, watching their friends leave them behind. "They left me.." He heard them say, tears falling to the ground as they turned around to look at him. "Why didn't you run?" He asked, coming closer as they tried to move away. His voice was fierce and filled with anger towards the ones that left their teammate behind.

"I think.. my ankle is broken" Their voice was quiet and scared, just waiting for death. Sighing, Jack looked up at the night sky, wondering what to do. "Well I cant just leave you like this can I?" Crouching down, he picked them up and carried them back towards their house. "Thats your house, right?" They only nodded, trying to understand what was happening in the moment.

"Black.." Their voice was a whisper as darkness slowly consumed their vision.

Angel (Eyeless Jack x chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now