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I walked through the woods, knife in hand. I need to find him. A light breeze moved my hair as I picked up my pace, feeling as if somebody was watching me.

A few minutes passed, and suddenly there was a loud scream making me stop dead in my tracks. It sounded like it was close. I shoukd turn back. Run. Yes, run!  No matter how much I screamed at myself to move, my body wouldn't listen.

Another scream. And another. What the hell is going on?  Then it stopped. Everything stopped. The screaming, the feeling of being watched, the screaming in my head. Wasnt that my voice? No. I wanted to keep going, not to run. So who was telling me to stop..? 


Something came sprinting towards me, making me run, just like the voice told me to. The thing followed clise behind as I ran, turned corners and jumped over branches.


My breath became faster making me slow down. "I cant keep going like this!" I yelled, trying not to give up.

The thing chased me through the woods, keeping its distance, untill it had enough. Jumping on my back the thing let out a shriek before.

"Welcome back" I said to the not so unfamiliar figure walking through the house. He nodded at me, going into the kitchen to get some water. "Have you heard about the murders in the woods? 3 people were brutally murderer."  I said, a shiver running through me as I questioned him. Was it him who killed them?

Sitting down on the couch, he took the TV remote and changed channels. "Wasn't me." He said, not looking me in the eyes. Is he lying?


My mind went blank as a load voice echoed through the house. Quickly standing up, I looked around in panic. Jack, finally paying attention to me, seemed confused. "What was that?!"

I yelled, trying to spot anyone who could have said that. "What are you talking about?"  Facing him again, I calmed my breathing. Maybe it was all in my head..


He stood up, comming closer, and grabbing my hand. "Whats wrong?" I jerked it away, paranoia taking over my mind.


Everything started hurting, making me grab my head and fall to the floor. "Stop it stop stop stop STOP!!" I yelled, trying to shut down all the noise.


A scream woke me up. Sitting up, I looked around. Im alive.. and in the woods? Another scream, but this time it was louder. Standing up, I grabbed my knife and walked towards the screams echoing.

Why am I here? I dont remember.

Brenches cracked under my feet as I walked. So much noise.  Another scream but further. Was I going the wrong way? No. I wasnt.

The screams got closer, but this time they were all around me.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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