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The darkness around me slowly started to disappear as I opened my eyes, only to see a unfamiliar face close to mine.

*Jack's pov*
I quickly covered my ears as the person before me screamed, obviously trying to get my ears to bleed. "Will you shut up?!"

The second I yelled, they closed their mouth, fear clear in their eyes. Sighing, I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and gave it to them. They were shaking, hesitant about drinking from the glass.

"If I wanted you to kill you, I would have done it a while ago"  I said, trying to sound threatening, but they only smiled while taking a long sip from the water. "Who are you?" They asked, moving a bit further away from me as i just stared at them.

"Oookkaayy not a fan of talking! I get it!" Looking away, I lifted them into the air, carrying them to their bedroom. "Call somebody to come help you with your broken ankle" I said, handing them their phone that i found on the table earlier. They just nodded and started looking through their contacts as I waited, watching their every move from the shadows. 

"It seems I don't really have anyone to call.." They said, hesitantly looking up at me. I nodded and walked out of the room, trying to find the first aid kit, leaving them to scroll on their phone. As I was grabbing it from the bathroom, a loud noise echoed through the house, making me jump. Running back to the bedroom, I found them laying on the floor, holding their head in their hands.

When they noticed me, a small smile appeared on their face. "I just fell down, nothing to worry about!" Picking them up once more, I slowly placed them on the bed, making sure the position was comfortable, before tending to their ankle. "Real nice friends you have there" I said without thinking. "Yeah, they really are, aren't they" The sarcasm was clear in their voice, but so was the pain.

Standing up, I placed the first aid kit on the table close to them before moving to the window to leave. "Are you leaving already..?" I heard them say, while shifting positions. Without a word I nodded and left, running towards the woods.




"WAIT PLEASE!" the young girl yelled before a blood curling scream left her throat, making her friends back away further, hopping to get away. Before they could, he looked at them with his black sockets piercing through them, making them stop dead in their tracks. Why am I even doing this? I have enough food, so whats my motivation?  A flash of their face went through my head. Their (h/l), (h/c) hair moving in the wind. Their (e/c) eyes glittering in the moonlight. Is it for them? But why? I probably just feel bad or some shit.

Another scream echoed through the forest as the last one died, leaving me all alone  in the forest. Another image of them crossed my mind as I got up. Maybe I will pay them a short visit tomorrow. Just to make sure.. Nothing more.

Angel (Eyeless Jack x chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now