Chapter 3

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She groaned fluttering her eyes a bit. Her neck hurt a lot. She couldn't control herself and yelped. Where was she? Why did it hurt so much?

Flashback (Mate hunt)

Aira Pov

"Aira, are you sure? " Kevin asked for the n th time. He had this feeling that something wrong was going to happen that's why he didn't want me to go. I really didn't want to go. But, I knew that Hriday will have to face the consequences.

Seeing him being worried about me so much made my heart flutter for him even more. I loved him so much and I don't even know what I did to deserve him.

I clutched his hands in mine. I was sure that I was blushing at this. My stupid heart beats so much around I fear that he might hear it and runaway thinking I am a werewolf. I looked his eyes which sparkled of love pretty much like mine did. His smile still held a small smile which made me content.

"I love you" I said kissing him on his cheek. He hugged me tightly and if possible I returned it squeezing him as much as I could. Even though I reached his shoulder. I loved to place my heart on his chest. He pulled away and smiled at me warmly before pecking my lips.

"I love you more " he whispered with his forehead on mine. The sparks he makes me feel, I don't think I'll ever feel them with someone else. He is the only person I love. Only him.

We parted our ways and I made my way to the small room of my brother. I saw him sleeping on the small bed. His legs dangled in air. I couldn't afford a new bed and this bed wasn't enough for him. He had complained to me once about it but as he slowly understood our condition. He stopped asking for things. Even though he is my brother. He is more like a son to me now. I feel motherly instincts towards him.

I didn't want to wake him up. He would be anxious and worried about me. I dont want that. No child should worry if there family will come home alive or not. He'll cry for me to stay home and that'll make it harder for me to go.

I slowly untangled myself from him. Kissing his cheeks. I wore the white cloak that was given to me. I put on a lot of deodorant. I kissed Kevin and with a smile I looked at my small house before bidding bye to him.


We reached to Corbett National Park. I remember my parents working really hard for a year. So, that they could arrange money for this trip of mine. But, today what I see isn't what I saw back then. It's changed. Everything is changed.

How could in a blink of eye I could go from a 14 year feisty teenager to a mere human slave to beasts?

Time passed I heard distinct chatters of some 14 year old girls who were scared but it was followed by a loud growl by beta Ardhansh which was enough for the girl to silence their anxiety. I just stood clueless just like 99 other girls. We did as they said.

What scared me was,  they wrote down the name of our family members which would bare the punishment if we tried to escape. It made my heart pound. Why would my little 7 year old brother bare the punishment.

This was enough for me to remove all the ideas of escaping. As we were assigned a tree. I was growing a little anxious. Maybe, I wasn't scared at first because I couldn't imagine being a mate to Alpha king. But, as beta Ardhansh tied my legs with the chain and cuffed my hands to the tree. I realised that there is a chance I could be mate to the beast.

My heart was now beating fast. To distract myself I didn't look up the entire time. I just thought about Kevin my love. The smile on his face, the tight hug he would give me when I return home. My Hriday the way he would whine about how scared he was. I would kiss his cheek and tell him to never be afraid and that I would never leave him.

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